Iso 13485 2003 Pdf Free Download
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding on implementation and operation of ISO 13485:2003 – "Medical Devices – Quality Management System – Requirements for Regulatory Purposes" – in the perspective of medical device industries in Malaysia. The study is focused on the Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) which currently have accredited to ISO 9001:2000 quality management systems. Design/methodology/approach – Literature research and comparative analysis between ISO 13485:2003 and ISO 9001:2000 standard and requirements. A reference model is developed to assist the Malaysian SMEs towards ISO 13485:2003 accreditation. Findings – Unlike ISO 9001:2000, ISO 13485:2003 stresses the safety and efficacy of medical devices that are being produced. For this reason risk management is an essential process that needs to be adopted into the ISO 13485:2003 quality management system. Moreover, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the ISO 13485:2003 implementation, this standard has placed great emphasis on documentation requirements which are more prescriptive in insisting on the use of formal procedures. Originality/value – The paper provides guidelines to ISO 13485:2003 implementations as well as risk management approaches for small and medium‐sized businesses of Malaysian medical device manufacturers, which at the same time maintains its ISO 9001:2000 certification.
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The TQM Journal
Volume 21, Issue 1, 2009, pp.6-100
ISO 13485:2003: Implementation reference model from the Malaysian SMEs medical device industry
Izatul Hamimi Abdul Razak, Shahrul Kamaruddin, Ishak Abdul Azid, Indra Putra Almanar (pp. 6-19)
Keywords: Malaysia
, Medical equipment, Quality management, Quality standards, Risk management,
Small to medium-sized enterprises
ArticleType: Research paper
Assessing performance of management institutions: An application of data envelopment analysis
Roma Mitra Debnath, Ravi Shankar (pp. 20-33)
Keywords: Business schools
, Data analysis , India, Management training, Performance measures, Resource
ArticleType: Research paper
Applying QFD to develop a training course for clothing merchandisers
Catherine Y.P. Chan, G. Tayl or, W.C. Ip (pp. 34-45)
Keywords: Clothing
, Quality function deployment, Training
ArticleType: Case study
Self-assessment of TQM practices: a case analysis
V. Arumugam, Hiaw Wei Chang, Keng-Boon Ooi, Pei-Lee Teh (pp. 46-58)
Keywords: Business performance
, Self assessment, Total quality management
ArticleType: Case study
An initial survey on the use of costs of quality programmes in telecommunications
Maria Arvaiova, Elaine M. Aspinwall, David S. Walker (pp. 59-71)
Keywords: Costs
, Quality programmes , Quality programmes, Surveys, Telecommunications , United
ArticleType: Research paper
Quality performance measurement practices in manufacturing companies
Ali Uyar (pp. 72-86)
Keywords: Financial management
, Manufacturing industries, Quality management, Turkey
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Problems, success factors and benefits of QCs implementation: a case of QASCO
Salaheldin Ismail Salaheldin (pp. 87-100)
Keywords: Critical success factors
, Qatar, Quality circles
ArticleType: Research paper
The TQM philosophy and the economic downturn
Vol : 21 Issue: 1
Author(s): Alex Douglas
ISO 13485:2003
Implementation reference model from the
Malaysian SMEs medical device industry
Izatul Hamimi Abdul Razak, Shahrul Kamaruddin,
Ishak Abdul Azid and Indra Putra Almanar
School of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding on implementation and
operation of ISO 13485:2003 – "Medical Devices – Quality Management System – Requirements for
Regulatory Purposes" – in the perspective of medical device industries in Malaysia. The study is
focused on the Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) which currently have accredited to
ISO 9001:2000 quality management systems.
Design/methodology/approach – Literature research and comparative analysis between ISO
13485:2003 and ISO 9001:2000 standard and requirements. A reference model is developed to assist the
Malaysian SMEs towards ISO 13485:2003 accreditation.
Findings – Unlike ISO 9001:2000, ISO 13485:2003 stresses the safety and efficacy of medical devices
that are being produced. For this reason risk management is an essential process that needs to be
adopted into the ISO 13485:2003 quality management system. Moreover, to demonstrate the
effectiveness of the ISO 13485:2003 implementation, this standard has placed great emphasis on
documentation requirements which are more prescriptive in insisting on the use of formal procedures.
Originality/value – The paper provides guidelines to ISO 13485:2003 implementations as well as
risk management approaches for small and medium-sized businesses of Malaysian medical device
manufacturers, which at the same time maintains its ISO 9001:2000 certification.
Keywords Medical equipment, Quality standards, Quality management,
Small to medium-sized enterprises, Risk management, Malaysia
Paper type Research paper
Malaysian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) medical device industry
Malaysia's life sciences industry encompasses of three major sectors, namely,
biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medical devices. For medical device sector,
Malaysia was initially concentrating on the rubber-based products. However, this
industry currently has moved into the manufacturing of non-rubber based products
made from plastics, silicone and metal alloys, including implantable products. This is
in support with the Third Industrial Master Plan 2006-2020, where Malaysian
government places greater emphasis on the development of the medical industry to
enable it to advance and sustain its global competitiveness.
According to Malaysia Trade and Industrial Portal (2007), the medical device
industry in Malaysia encompasses of a broad range of products and equipments. Some
of the products are medical gloves, implantable devices, orthopaedic devices, and other
instruments which are used for medical, surgical, dental, optical and general health
appliances. In addition, as reported by Malaysian Industrial Development Authority
(MIDA) (2007), Malaysia continues to maintain its position as the world's leading
producer and exporter of medical gloves and catheters, by supplying 80 per cent of the
world market for catheters, and 70 per cent for rubber gloves.
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
The TQM Journal
Vol. 21 No. 1, 2009
pp. 6-19
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/17542730910924718
In parallel with this achievement, in February 2005, the Malaysian government
decided to begin regulating medical devices to harmonize its regulations and standards
with those of other Asian and developed countries (Gross, 2007). Thus, in 2008, Medical
Device Bureau (MDB); a division of the Ministry of Health was developed to conduct
the medical device regulatory program. With primary aims to protect the public health
and safety, the MDB strives to ensure that only high quality, safe, and effective medical
devices are placed in the Malaysia market (Mahmud, 2008). The core competent of
MDB as stated includes registering medical devices; issuing licences to manufacturer,
distributor, importer, exporter, and inspecting facilities; monitoring medical devices
that are already on the market; monitoring operation and the usage of medical devices,
including disposal; laboratory testing; and drafting laws and standards.
Yet in order to place the medical devices in international market especially in
America, Europe, Australia, Canada and Japan, specific regulations still need to be
complied. This may create a constraint to the local medical device manufacturers
because they have to be competitive in the global market. This is due to the size and
culture of the manufacturers in Malaysia which are mostly categorized as small and
medium enterprises (SMEs). A study carried out by Deros et al. (2006) had proved this
statement when the authors found that more than 90 per cent of the manufacturing
companies in Malaysia are classified as small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The
Malaysian SME is defined as company that employs less than 150 people or sales value
of less than RM25 million.
However, there is evidence in many publications that a lot of SME companies have
successfully accredited to international standard, ISO 9001:2000. It means that even
though SMEs are small size and have limited resources, it does not mean that SMEs are
incapable to gain success in their businesses. With regards to medical device industry,
complying with ISO 13485:2003; an international standard for quality management
system specified for medical device, seems to be the best approach for these SMEs
which plan to place their medical device products in the global market. It is because
this standard has been widely accepted in the medical device world, and all the notified
bodies; which are known as an entity approved by the competent authority to assess
manufacturers' compliance with the directives, also familiar with this harmonized
standard (Halper, 2006). As an evidence, 27 members of the European Union, Canada,
and Turkey only open their market to the medical device manufacturers that have
complied with ISO 13485 (Borsai et al., 2007).
For that reason, most Malaysian medical device manufacturers especially in SMEs
are moving forward to be accredited to ISO 13485:2003 even though they have
currently complied with ISO 9001:2000. Aside from providing proof of compliance that
the company has been producing medical devices and the related services that
consistently met the customer and regulatory requirements, registration to ISO
13485:2003 by an accredited registrar will show the company's commitment to quality
and customers, and willingness to work towards improving efficiency. This also
facilitates the medical device manufacturers in demonstrating that they have
sophisticated knowledge of reimbursement policies, know how to implement and
maintain effective compliance guidelines, and maintain ongoing enforcement activity
in the industry.
However, publications on the use and implementation of ISO 13485:2003 within the
organizations are very limit, and those available are mainly focused on the introduction
ISO 13485:2003:
of this standard (Kimmelman, 2003; Basler and Pizinger, 2004a). Continuing this,
Basler and Pizinger (2004b) describe the ISO 13485:2003's history and development in
details, and have briefed the steps for implementation. Other publications concerning
to medical devices and the related services are mostly focused on the national and
regional regulations as well as risk management for medical devices (Fries, 1997, 1998;
Bartoo, 2003; Schmuland, 2005).
Since very small numbers of publications and researches for ISO 13485:2003
implementation guidelines are undertaken, this paper is written with the aims to assist
the Malaysian medical device manufacturers in SMEs to successfully implement and
then certify to the ISO 13485:2003. Therefore, a clear idea on ISO 13485:2003 will be
provided by comparing this standard with the international standard which is
applicable to any industry; ISO 9001:2000. In order to meet the intention of this paper, a
reference model is proposed to the Malaysian SMEs which currently have accredited to
ISO 9001:2000 and working towards the ISO 13485:2003 accreditation.
Overview of the ISO 13485:2003
ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) is accepted as the 'gold standard' for
quality system all over the world and applicable for any industry. Based on this
standard, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed some
industry specific standards including for medical device industries. Basler and
Pizinger (2004a) in their article claimed that the establishment of the new version of
this international standard late in the year 2000, forces the ISO to revise the old
standard for medical device industry, ISO 13485:1996. It is because the new ISO
9001:2000 which emphasizes on continual improvement and customer satisfaction is
no longer appropriate to the heavily regulated medical device industries.
Therefore, the second version for international medical device standard, ISO
13485:2003 – "Medical Devices – Quality Management System – Requirements for
Regulatory Purposes" – was established in July 2003. Be a stand alone and is expected
to have an independent content, this new standard mainly revises and addresses
quality assurance of the product, customer requirements and other elements of quality
management system. Nevertheless, ISO 13485:2003 is still based on the ISO 9001:2000
in which at least 70 per cent of the ISO 13485:2003 content is quoted directly from ISO
9001:2000 texts without modification (Kimmelman, 2003). In addition, this standard
also includes some particular requirements for medical devices and excludes
requirements that are not appropriate as regulatory requirements. Further
comparisons between ISO 13485:2003 and ISO 9001:2000 are summarized in Table I.
With primary objective is to facilitate harmonized medical device regulatory
requirements for quality management system (QMS), compliance with the ISO
13485:2003 QMS may provide high degree of assurance that a manufacturer will
consistently produce medical devices that are safe, perform as intended, comply with
customer and regulatory requirements and have the appropriate degree of quality. In
addition, integration of risk management throughout the quality system process will
also work best rather than separating them. The integration may also enhance the
effectiveness of the quality management system (Basler and Pizinger, 2004a;
Schmuland, 2005). The risk management process provides a risk-based approach for
determining a level of rigor when implementing the standard.
In creating a new standard for the medical device industry, it is likely to split the
connection with ISO 9000, which might has a significant impact for many
manufacturers. However, the decision to maintain quality systems that meet the
requirements for both standards will give great benefits to an organization. The key
elements that must be included in this integrated system are customer satisfaction and
continual improvement as emphasized in ISO 9001:2000, and maintaining regulatory
requirements as emphasized in ISO 13485:2003.
ISO 13485:2003: the implementation process
The development and implementation of an integrated management system, no matter
on what approach it might be based; it always causes a decisive change in the company
(Mackau, 2003). Even though ISO 13485:2003 is a quality management system and
only has minimum changes in its requirements compared to ISO 9001:2000, lack of
employees and resources resulted from the characteristics of SMEs can create some
difficulties in carrying out the project. As claimed by Mulhaney et al. (2004), SMEs do
not have the resources to allocate one person to work full time in order to deliver this
type of change. As a result, several managers or executives have to share the
responsibilities for the quality system since usually SMEs do not have a quality
manager (Poksinska et al., 2006). This might be a burden when SMEs want to maintain
two standards; ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 at the same time.
Therefore, in initial action, Mackau (2003) has listed the essential points to be
observed during the defined stages of introduction and qualifications. The author
recommended that during this stage, employees have to be prepared with certain
knowledge about the internal company procedures. The company needs to train few of
their employees for understanding the new adopted standard and the standard
regulations. All additional changes to the management system must also have
practical relevance, or in other words, purpose of the standards must not be changed.
In addition, top management which also act as a leader in this project must allocate all
the required resources and assign a clear task of responsibility. In return the employees
have to learn to use those resources to perform the tasks.
In this paper, a reference model to implement ISO 13485:2003 QMS for small and
medium businesses is proposed. The main reference in developing this reference model
is the road maps of ISO 9001 implementation developed by Yaacov (1995) and Motwani
ISO 13485:2003 ISO 9001:2000
The requirements are specific to organizations
providing medical devices regardless of type or
size of the organization
The requirements are generic and applicable to all
organizations, regardless of type, size and product
Emphasis on maintaining regulatory compliance Emphasis on continual improvement and
customer satisfaction
Wants organization to document procedures,
requirements, activities and special arrangements,
and should implement and maintain them
Wants organization to document procedure,
implement, and maintain it
Must retain documents for at least the lifetime of
the medical device
Table I.
Synopsis of main
differences between ISO
13485:2003 and ISO
ISO 13485:2003:
et al. (1994), also ISO 13485 implementation guidelines as referred from Basler and
Pizinger (2004b) and BSI Management System Homepage (2004).
ISO 13485:2003: the reference model
Organization's situation and objectives can bring an impact to the selection and
implementation of a particular quality strategy, including the implementation of ISO
13485:2003. In order to find the best regulatory path, an organization must know what
they need to achieve (Basler and Pizinger, 2004b). A very detailed analysis and
assessment are required to find the most efficient strategic and the implementation
plan. For that reason, a good methodology must be followed by medical device
manufacturers in order to implement an effective ISO 13485:2003 QMS, and at the same
time maintaining the current ISO 9001:2000.
The proposed reference model as shown in Figure 1 can be a good guidance for the
SMEs' medical device manufacturers in their journey to ISO 13485:2003 accreditation.
It is divided into three phases as detailed out in the following paragraphs. The phases
comprise of the preparation and development phase, the implementation phase, and
finally the registration phase. Detail discussions of these phases are given in the
following paragraphs.
Phase 1: Preparation and development phase
As shown in Figure 1, the first phase in this implementation task is the preparation and
development phase. This phase consists of four initial steps that should be carried out
before the organization can start to implement the ISO 13485:2003 QMS. The steps
includes decision and commitment from top management, team up and planning
development, gap analysis, and revision of quality manual and documentations.
Figure 1.
The proposed reference
model for ISO 13485:2003
Normally, top managers of SMEs have greater interest and control of the organization
through an ownership position. They are usually more involved in daily operations in all
areas, know all the employees and their capabilities, have great understanding of the
whole company operations and can often involve in the processes or activities, and also
have good contact and familiarity of customer requirements (Aldowaisan and Youssef,
2006; Berg and Harral, 1998). These characteristics will be an advantage to the SMEs'
top management who are also the leaders in the implementation project. Already
well-known about the medical devices that they produce, top managements should then
get fully understanding on the ISO 13485:2003 that is being implemented. For reference,
a technical report, ISO 14969 – "Medical devices – Quality Management Systems –
Guidance on the application of ISO 13485:2003" – might be very helpful for better
understanding of this standard's requirements.
Flow of activities involve in the phase 1 which are applicable for medical device
manufacturers in SMEs can be summarized as in Figure 2.
Referring to Figure 2, once the top managements have decided to pursue the ISO
13485 registration to integrate it into the organization's current management system, it
is necessary to contact a registration body to assign target date for registration audit.
The best is to contact a body that has wide scope of accreditation to better fulfil all
regulatory needs (Borsai et al. , 2007). Then, communication and discussion with
representatives from cross functional departments could be made for planning
development. For the organization which initially has the proper management system
complied with ISO 9001:2000, it is best recommended to conduct Gap Analysis. The
purpose of this analysis is to examine the organization's current standing and
determine existing gaps that need to be filled when comparing with the ISO 13485:2003
Owing to lack of employees and knowledge faced by the SMEs, hiring a
knowledgeable and experience consultant can be considered to assist the organization.
Figure 2.
Preparation and
development process
ISO 13485:2003:
Result from the Gap Analysis will be a road map to reorganize the organization's
current quality system (Basler and Pizinger, 2004b). Organization team afterwards will
be able to develop an effective strategic and implementation plan for the necessary
changes to the quality system. For instance, one of the most crucial sections that needs
to be emphasized in this phase is "Product Realization" as declared in Clause 7 of the
ISO 13485:2003 standard. This section is considered as the real heart of ISO
13485:2003, outlining all the elements, controls, and approaches required to ensure
product or service is manufactured and delivered safely and effectively. Risk
management is regarded as the vital element in this section.
According to Kimmelman as quoted by Miller (2005), in fact, risk management
process can affect the performance of quality management system activities even
outside the area of product realization. The activities include corrective and preventive
actions, control of infrastructure, handling of conformances, as well as customer
complaints. One of the essential applications is sterile packaging of medical device
which risk management and risk analysis are expected for design validation, process
validation, and distribution validation.
Back to Figure 2, outputs from the planning development would be the best route to
implement an effective ISO 13485:2003 QMS. One of the significant outputs is a revised
and edited organization's Quality Policy and Quality Objectives as it is compatible
with both ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 13485:2003 requirements. The new Quality Policy
should be publicized to create awareness among all employees. It is advisable to add
some brief and simple information about the ISO 13485 to give the understanding on
the safety regulations emphasized by this standard. For Quality Objectives, to produce
safe and effective devices should be the main objective of this new intervention.
For management training, it is appropriate to be conducted by the company's
consultant rather than sending the trainees to the available training program because
this can reduce costs. The training should give better understanding on the ISO
13485:2003 requirements, including the documentation system and procedures
required, and how to manage risk throughout product realization. In addition,
organization can also consider of having seminars concerning medical device safety as
well as guidance for a conducive working environment condition. Visits to other
medical device producers' premises which already have certified ISO 13485 are also
very helpful.
Other than that, documentation is also a critical element in ISO 13485:2003 QMS.
Integrating this standard into the current management system requires organization to
precisely revise an existing documentation. Because of ISO 13485:2003 is more
prescriptive in order to ensure medical device manufacturers meet regulatory
requirements, it requires that certain procedures still need to be documented.
Therefore, Gap Analysis that has been undertaken previously can be referred to
determine the additional procedures. This will cover all the relevant areas of the
organization's QMS with an appropriate documentation control as well as the safety
control of the medical devices.
Moreover, for special care of the medical devices, certain documents and records
must be retained for at least during the lifetime of the medical device as defined by the
organization or as specified by regulatory requirements, but it should not be less than
two years from the date of product release. This will allow the organization to refer and
analyze these documents and records if there is a problem with recent device that needs
to be corrected. Other guidelines that should be followed by medical device
manufacturers in SMEs when revising the company's quality system documentation
are shown in Table II. It covers the main additional elements into the existing Quality
Manual as well as elements in documentation control.
Since ISO 13485 emphasizes more on product safety and efficacy, it requires medical
device manufacturers to document certain activities such as product cleanliness and
risk management process, and also control of the working environment conditions,
product contaminations, and physical contacts to the devices. This can be referred in
Clause 6 (Resource Management) and Clause 7 (Product Realization) of ISO 13485:2003
requirements. In order to demonstrate that the medical device is totally safe and not
causing any harm, records for risk management activity throughout the product
realization must be established in accordance with guidance standard for risk
management, ISO 14971:2000 – "Medical Devices – Application of Risk Management
to Medical Devices". The record requirements include risk analysis (identification), risk
evaluation (basis for decision making), risk control (decision implementation), and any
postproduction information gathering and review (monitoring).
Phase 2: Implementation phase
The second phase in the proposed reference model presented in Figure 1 is in
implementation. This phase is performed when organization has completely
undertaken the preparation and development phase. The key in implementation is
training, recording and monitoring. During this phase, company puts into practice the
new quality system that has been planned before and everyone begins to work by
following the new management system procedures. This implementation phase
encompasses all company's functions including the design and development of
products, the purchase of materials and services, production, and delivery of the
products and services, with all aspects of medical device, regulatory and industry
requirements being addressed.
As the effective quality system's implementation, SMEs strongly require
involvement and commitment from the entire organization, especially the lower level
employees from the very beginning of the implementation project (Yaacov, 1995;
Quality manual Demonstrate the revised management policy, as well as support and
commitment to the organization's QMS
Scope of the company's QMS, including definition of operations and
products to which the quality system applies
Statement of any exclusion of ISO 13485:2003 requirements
List of other standards with which the quality system complies, such
as ISO 9001 and ISO 14971 risk management
Additional procedures into the company's centralized procedure lists
Control of documents Product-specific technical documentation such as engineering
drawings, component purchase specifications, procedures for
manufacturing processes and testing
Procedures for labelling, packaging, etc.
System documentation levels structure, such as procedures and
instructions applicable for all products
Monitoring of activities and product performance and conformance
with specifications
Table II.
Quality manual
additional elements and
documents to be
ISO 13485:2003:
Mackau, 2003). Thus, in order to gain this commitment, the employees must be
informed on how the new QMS would benefit them and the company
(Angelogiannopoulos et al., 2006). The employees must also be trained so that they
can completely understand the new procedures and records keeping. Also, they need to
be aware of how their job may affect the quality and safety of the devices, and the
consequences arise if they disobey the instructions.
Moreover, in this phase, management must also ensure that all documents and
records are accordingly controlled and maintained. To make it more structured and
well organized, it is advisable to assign a dedicated person to manage the distribution
of documents, keep the manual up to date, and retain the possible documents and
records. This person is also responsible to ensure that only approved documents are
distributed to the correct people for the correct process. A dedicated person is needed in
managing the documentation control because to control a bulk of documents and
records as required in ISO 13485 is not an easy task. It is also useful to have a
standardized format for the documentations. With these efforts, any risk such as
missing or misallocation of documents can be avoided.
As the effort moves forward, it is important to measure progress (Yaacov, 1995).
The monitoring and measuring process is important for three reasons; to ensure
product conformance, to ensure conformance of the QMS, and to maintain effectiveness
of the QMS. Therefore, a comprehensive internal audit is required to determine the
successful implementation of ISO with a mission to ensure that the QMS meets the
requirements of the standard and it is working effectively. Internal audit is also the
management's window into the quality system to view its current status. It is
conducted to ensure that in each department or personnel there isn't any variation
between what has been written and what has been carried out.
Also need to be considered is the organization's standard operating procedures and
the actual performance of those procedures. Both of the procedures and the actual
performance must be tailored and must completely follow the ISO 13485 standard
requirements. This in fact, is the critical point that needs to be emphasized in
monitoring the system's performance. This is because any dissimilarities or miss
comply with standard requirements might cause nonconformity which may affect the
registration audit. Besides that, monitoring the effectiveness of risk management is
very essential in order to demonstrate product's safety, stability and functionality.
Records of any findings or nonconformities from the internal audit must then be
reported to the top management for further corrective actions (Motwani et al., 1994).
The purpose of the corrective actions as well as preventive actions is to maintain or
improve quality and effectiveness of the management system implementation. An
appropriate corrective or remedial action must be taken to eliminate the root causes,
and to prevent recurrence of the nonconformities.
However, nonconformities or problems can be avoided by performing preventive
action before the nonconformity actually occurs. One good place to determine
preventive action as well as to manage risk is in management review activity, when
data are reviewed from quality management system. According to the recorded data,
potential of nonconformities or problems which might occur in the future can be
expected and appropriate actions can be taken. Sources to consider for estimation of
nonconformities including information and data which are from receiving and
incoming inspection, product requiring rework, reject or yield data, customer feedback
and warranty claims, process measurements, identification of result that is out-of-trend
but not out-of-specification, suppliers performance, service reports, and also from
concessions or deviations data.
Again, risk management process for medical device is the core element in the
corrective and preventive action. This is in order to meet an acceptable level of risk for
the devices as defined by the organization and to ensure that the products do not cause
harm to the user or patients. An overall risk management process should include
processes as presented in Figure 3.
As shown in Figure 3, the risk management process begins with reviewing the
intended use of the medical devices. Then, the hazards are identified and the
probability that any harms might occur for the entire life cycle of the devices including
in design, production, post market and eventual disposal, is estimated. For each
hazard, the severity is estimated and the associated risks are evaluated. Finally, those
risks are controlled and the effectiveness of the controls are put in place to ensure that
the product does not harm the user or patients is monitored.
A detailed process of risk management is indicated in Figure 4. The process
encompasses of four phases of risk management; which are risk analysis, risk
evaluation, risk control, and postproduction information. Each of the steps represents
four clauses in medical device risk management standard requirements, ISO
14971:2000. This standard is an integral part of a quality management system and
serves guidelines for risk management process.
Phase 3: Registration phas e
After undergoing the previous two phases, the company is considered to have
developed and implemented a proper integrated quality management system with the
required evaluations and remedial actions that will ensure the system is perfectly
operated. All the nonconformities found must be eliminated or corrected. Then, the
final phase can be carried out. Before the scheduled audit date arrives, all the
preparations that need to be audited should be completed. For the time being, it is
recommended that organization must have at least three months of records and have
completed at least one cycle of internal audit and management review.
Management must also be ensured that everything in organization, especially for
documents and records, employees, and the facilities are well prepared before the audit
day. All documents and records must have been revised and ensured that they are
available, complete and being kept at the appropriate location. The employees must be
informed earlier about the audit and the purpose of the audit, which is to acquire
evidence that the organization complies with both standard and regulatory
requirements. Furthermore, in undergoing the audit, it is vital to ensure that
organization's processes and the implemented quality management system are
completely incorporated in meeting the ISO 13485 requirements (Borsai et al., 2007).
With the aid of the consultant, a SME can undergo the registration audit much
easier and may not be wasting time and money for the accreditation. Repetition and
Figure 3.
An overall risk
management process
ISO 13485:2003:
Figure 4.
activities as applied to a
medical device, based on
ISO 14971:2000 and citing
sections of that standard
redundancy of work can also be avoided. Success in the audit and certified to ISO
13495:2003 verifies that organization has a management system in place to support the
regulatory management policy with safety consideration has been implemented.
Meeting with this international regulation also confirms the high level of the
organization's quality management system performance.
In general, because of a lot of things need to be considered with the ISO 13485:2003
implementation process, it might be time consuming and also requires higher costs and
effort compared to ISO 9001:2000 implementations. Therefore, one thing that must be
stressed out from the very beginning of the implementation process is cooperation and
full support from each and every single person in the organization. Besides that, full
attention and concentration are also vital in ensuring any gaps especially that are
related to critical elements in ISO 13485:2003 requirements are totally avoided. With
systematic and comprehensive plan, implementation activity will be much smoother
towards the ISO 13485:2003 accreditation. This will make a company to become more
competitive in global market, less ge neration of waste or scrap, improves
communication, generates higher profits, and at the same time assures risk and
hazards reduction for the medical devices that being produced.
In addition, ISO 13485:2003 provides a structure to enable SMEs to meet their
customer and regulatory requirements. With primary objective is to provide a
harmonized model for Quality Management System (QMS) requirements that satisfies
international medical device regulations, the Malaysian medical device manufacturers
whose comply with ISO 13485:2003 QMS prove that the manufactured or supplied
medical device products have a great quality, free from any hazards, and effective in
use. This is in parallel with the mission endeavoured by Malaysian Ministry of Health
in the new developed Medical Device Bureau which is to protect public health and
In this paper, a proposed reference model for ISO 13485:2003 QMS implementation that
is suitable for medical device manufacturers in SMEs is developed. The reference
model consists of three phases; preparation and development phase, implementation
phase, and registration phase. Owing to limitation faced by SMEs, guidelines described
in every phase will be particularly appropriate for SMEs in order to successfully
implement the ISO 13485:2003 standard and at the same time maintaining the certified
ISO 9001:2000. One major inclusion that stressed out in this standard is engaging risk
management throughout the quality management system, providing risk-based
approach to control the safety and efficacy of the produced medical devices. With
trained and knowledgeable employees and aids by consultant, the implementation
process will be much smoother and effective. Thus, the proposed reference model can
assist the Malaysian SMEs in their journey to be successfully accredited to ISO
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Corresponding author
Shahrul Kamaruddin can be contacted at:
ISO 13485:2003:
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Assessing performance of
management institutions
An application of data envelopment analysis
Roma Mitra Debnath
IGSM, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, and
Ravi Shankar
School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology,
Pathumthani, Thailand
Purpose – Utilizing data envelopment analysis (DEA), this paper seeks to examine the performance
of 20 Indian B-Schools, separating their profitability and marketability. The technique allows one to
identify those management institutions which are able to utilize their resources in a most efficient way
such that the overall goals of the organization are satisfied and total outcome maximized. If a
management institution means to be effective in developing professionals who are going to be
competent leaders and managers, then it would be useful to know the performance of the management
institutes. However, measuring the performance of management institutes has received very little
attention compared with other industries because it is difficult to measure its output.
Design/methodology/approach – A DEA model is used to evaluate the relative efficiency of a
group of decision-making units (DMUs) in their use of multiple inputs to produce multiple outputs
where the form of production is neither known nor specified as in the case of parametric approach.
Findings – The paper ranks management institutes from various points of stakeholders. The main
findings are how much of the benefit from ranking of the B-Schools is credited because of its efficiency
in converting the inputs to outputs. Does the ranking of any institution depend on scale of operations
(scale efficiency) or is it only based on technical efficiency? Technical efficiencies are identified with
failures to achieve best possible output levels and/or usage of excessive amounts of inputs.
Practical implications – As Indian management schools widely publicize job offers with six figure
salaries, managerial value addition, national ranking etc. provide an important impression about the
management institutions. However, the reported results of experiments on input and output measures
do not seem to differ between the ten best run institutes and the next ten institutes in terms of scale
Originality/value – The paper is one of the few written from the Indian perspective.
Keywords Management training, Performance measures, Resource efficiency, Data analysis,
Business schools, India
Paper type Research paper
Management studies originally established in the USA were adopted in Europe in the
1960s. Since then it has gathered a global acceptability. Large numbers of management
schools are operating around the globe and they encounter a strong competition for
Management is an area where the individuals are developed within the area of
management. The aim of MBA programme is to prepare their graduates for
managerial roles, help them to acquire a better understanding of the industrial and
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
The TQM Journal
Vol. 21 No. 1, 2009
pp. 20-33
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/17542730910924727
business world and enriching them with relevant skills and competencies for their
careers. In other words it is generally agreed that management education adds value to
a student. However, in management education what kinds of values are added has not
been resolved in a widely accepted manner. Boyatzis and Renio (1989) indicate some
positive attributes gained from MBA studies. Espey and Batchelor (1987) report how
the company gained from the students carrying out projects and writing reports
relating to the needs of the company, thus making the graduates better managers. Yet
despite all the rhetoric, few signs of substantive change are evident in most of the
B-schools. Fiekers et al. (2000) discussed how to benchmark the postgraduate
admission process in their paper. Wan Endut et al. (2000) discussed the benchmarking
process of higher educational institute. Shaw and Green (2002) and Laugharne (2002)
discussed the benchmarking process of academic process and the PhD programme
The gap found in the existing literature is the ranking of the management institutes
on the basis of efficiency. The aim of this paper is to present the result of an empirical
study which explored the efficiency of MBA institutes. The research question for this
paper is: How much of the benefit from ranking of the B-Schools is credited due to its
efficiency in converting the inputs to outputs. Does the ranking of any institution
depend on scale of operations (scale efficiency) or is it only based on technical
After achieving a gigantic growth of 10.9 percent in service sector, a wide
opportunity has been created by the service sector in India. Though business education
started in nineteenth century in India, but presently there are about 1000 B-schools
operating within the country. Leaving few top end institutions like IIMs, IITs, XLRI
etc. most of the institutions are B and C category catering to the needs of the society.
Many magazines and professional journals publish ratings of these management
institutions. Business World (2005) ranked 100 B-Schools in India, which attracted a
huge amount of interest among academicians, employers and students. The
parameters considered for the ranking of these institutions are faculty profile,
placement, and research done by faculty, teaching aids and admission applications. A
predefined weight is given to these parameters and overall performance is measured
out of 1000 points. Although Business World's survey did not rank the MBA
programmes in terms of efficiency, one may wonder if there is any difference between
groups of institutes (e.g. top 10 versus next 10). Does one institution add more value
than another? This paper tries to examine the relevance of lesser-known institutions
against the backdrop of ever increasing demand of society and the value addition to the
Being a primary customer, the students may be eager to know as to how much value
is added against the fees paid by them. They may have the opportunity to get through
more than one institution but to decide the best institution on basis of value addition
still remains ambiguous. Another stakeholder, the society might be interested to know
how the resources are being used to produce the output so that it can subsidize the
management education. Some institutions do receive funds from corporate,
government and other various sources. Some of the business schools might be
offering a very good placement but corporate are not concerned how efficiently these
B-schools are using their resources to produce the managers. It would be valuable
information for the prospective MBA student and for the society at large whose
resources are used in the complete process. In general, this information would be useful
in making decision regarding the optimum allocation of funds to make the institution
more competitive.
The aim of the paper is to estimate and compare efficiency of 20 Indian management
institutions and the analysis is supposed to verify or reject the hypothesis that the
ranking of an education institute is not solely decided by tangible parameters like
placement, salary, number of faculty etc. but intangible factors like customer's
satisfaction, vision of the management also plays a significant role in the ranking of the
institute. An educational institute must not emphasize only on converting a set of
inputs to outputs but it should also focus to increase the customer's satisfaction while
operating under many disadvantageous positions. This paper also tries to establish a
theory that efficiency and customer satisfaction are positively correlated. It also
attempts to find whether different methods used for performance measure significantly
different from each other or not.
Data envelopment analysis (DEA)
In management contexts, mathematical programming is usually used to evaluate a
collection of possible alternative courses of action en route to selecting one, which is
best. In this capacity, mathematical programming serves this role and employs
mathematical programming. Data envelopment analysis reverses this role and
employs mathematical programming to obtain ex post facto evaluation of the relative
efficiency of management accomplishments, however they may have been planned and
evaluated (Banker et al., 1984). The aim of a central unit is to allocate resources in such
a way that the overall goals of the organization are satisfied as well as possible, or
specifically, the amount of the total outputs of the units will be maximized (Korhonen
and Syrjanen, 2004). DEA model is used to evaluate the relative efficiency of a group or
units of decision-making units (DMUs) in their use of multiple inputs to produce
multiple outputs where the form of production is neither known nor specified as in the
case of parametric approach (Shammari and Salimi, 1998). As a consequence, the DEA
efficiency score for a specific decision making unit (DMU) is not defined by an absolute
standard, but it is defined relative to the other DMUs in the specific data set under
consideration. Farrell (1957) is known as the pioneer to develop DEA to solve the
problem, which requires careful measurement but also has a limitation of combining
the measurements of multiple units to measure the overall performance. Later on
Charnes et al. (1978) generalized Farnell's framework and popularised the concept.
Berger et al. (1997) and Seiford (1996) confirmed of DEA application in previous
research and other DEA works that contain more than 1,000 DEA contributors in the
past two decades (Sueyoshi, 1999).
The two most frequently applied models used in DEA are the CCR model – after
Charnes et al. (1978) and the BCC model – after Banker et al. (1984). The basic
difference between these two models is the returns to scale (RTS). While the latter takes
into account the effect of variable returns- to- scale (VRS), the former restricts DMUs to
operate with constant returns- to- scale (CRS). Charnes et al. (1978) developed DEA to
evaluate the efficiency of public sector non-profit organizations. DEA aims to measure
how efficiently a DMU uses the resource available to generate a set of outputs and
DMUs can include manufacturing units, departments of big organizations such as
universities, schools, bank branches, hospitals, power plants, police stations, tax
offices, defence bases, a set of firms or even practising individuals like medical
practitioners etc.
A mathematical explanation on DEA is being provided in appendix. However, a
graphical explanation is being provided in this section for a better understanding of the
readers. Figure 1 portrays the situations under CCR and BCC to be considered in terms
of a single output, in amounts, y, and a single input, in amounts x.
As it is evident from Figure 1 that DMU A is assigned to 100 percent efficiency in
the case of CRS assumption, all the other DMUs are considered 100 percent efficient
case of the VRS assumption. This is also an indication that the inefficiencies assigned
to DMU B, C and D are purely due to their scales of operation. Only DMU E is
inefficient in case of both CRS and VRS assumptions. The best performing DMU is
assigned an efficiency score of unity or 100 percent and the performance of other
DMUs ranges between 0 and 100 percent relative to this best performance. For
inefficient DMU (Efficiency , 100 percent), DEA measures the slacks in each of the
input and output variables and also derive a reference group of efficient units with
which they can be directly compared (Cooper et al., 1999). DEA result also helps to
improve the productivity of these relatively inefficient units without reducing quality
of service and while maintaining or even increasing the volume of services provided by
DMUs. Ruggiero (2001, 2004) discussed the application of DEA in education sector,
Vassiloglou and Giokas (1990), Zenios et al. (1999), Rouatt (2003) discussed various
application of DEA in banking sector to improve the performance, Sherman (1984)
used DEA in hospital sector, Lewin et al. (1982) used DEA in court system.
A unique feature of the DEA approach is to measure global Technical Efficiency
(TE) of a decision making units in relation to other units and decompose it into two
multiplicative parts: pure technical Efficiency (PTE) and scale efficiency (SE). While
technical efficiency (TE) measures the firm's success in producing maximum output
Figure 1.
CRS and VRS efficient
frontiers for the DMUs A,
B, C, D and E
from a given set of inputs, the scale efficiency (SE) measures the firm's success in
choosing an optimal set of inputs with a given set of input-output prices or costs. The
CCR model estimates the global technical efficiency of a DMU while the BCC model
takes into account the variation of efficiency with respect to the scale of operation and
hence measures Pure Technical Efficiency. For any firm j one has the product PTE
¼ TE
. Thus, the overall inefficiency (TE) of any firm is caused by the inefficiency
operation of the firm (PTE) and at the same time by the disadvantageous condition of
the organization (SE). This becomes clear when one sets up a scale efficiency model by
which inputs are optimally determined by minimizing the total output costs measured
in terms of market prices of inputs.
DEA modelling allows researcher to select the inputs and outputs in accordance
with a managerial focus. This is one of the advantages of DEA sine it also focuses on
sensitivity analysis. Furthermore, this approach does not require any standardization
of the different units. However DEA also has some limitations. The DMUs, which are
identified as inefficient, are in relation to others in the sample. It may be possible for a
DMU not included in the sample has a better efficiency than the efficient DMU in the
Problem definition
In India, the existing monitoring organization All India Council for Technical
Education (AICTE) is responsible for evaluating the performance of the institutions
through the process of accreditation. The evaluation process is based on a set of
broad-based criteria and these criteria serves to assess the principal feature on the
institutional activities and programme effectiveness. Emphasis is given on entry
qualification, intake of the students, duration of the course, structure of the
programme, examination rules and regulations, infrastructure norms like computer
facilities, library, teaching aids, etc. However, these norms and rules do not help to
measure the performance of any institutions. Harris (1994) presented a generic
approach to higher education. Primarily, a customer oriented approach where the
service to students is promoted through training and development. Secondly, a staff
focus approach which tries to enhance the contribution of all the member of staff to the
effectiveness of the institute and finally focus on service agreement. This definition
reflects the unique characteristic of the education. An education process involves input,
output and several others factors. Education process is a multi dimensional activity
and only one indicator cannot assess it.
Leaving the few top institutions in India, rest of them can be categorised into private
and government owned B-schools. Since intake of these colleges is not of high quality
and the objective of the management is to make quick money by spending least.
Therefore, the focus on quality value addition becomes a necessary step.
A performance measure helps in monitoring strategic achievements and controlling
the strategic movements of the institutions as it is strongly related to objectives of the
institutions. There are very few papers available in the literature for measuring the
performance of the management institutions. Haksever and Muragishi (1998), Dreher
et al. (1985), Hamlen and Southwick (1989) studied the quality and value of
management education.
For this research, 20 B-schools are considered for the performance evaluation. All
these intuitions are affiliated to AICTE and participated in the ranking organized by
world. Out of these B-schools, 10 are located in Northern India, three are in Eastern and
Western part of India and four are in Western part of India. These institutions have
been evaluated by DEA on the basis of three inputs and three outputs.
The broad objectives of management institutes are to prepare professionally
qualified personnel in the area of management, and to prepare the graduates for
lifelong learning experience to meet society needs. To achieve these objectives, the
management institutes need various parameters like highly qualified, motivated and
committed faculty members, talented students with adequate background and a vision
for growth. The various outcomes of management institutes are qualified graduates
who have acquired skills/competencies and a good placement. Another important
parameter, which is also needed for the growth of the institution, is satisfaction of the
students. Today, education sector is considered as a service sector as explained by
Sallis (1993), and student is seen as an active participant in this process rather than as a
product or outcome. The customers define quality and therefore it is necessary to
understand their needs and expectations/requirements.
There are different views and opinions to define "good performance" of a
management institute. Ideally the performance evaluation system would give us a fair
idea of how various resources (inputs) are being used to attain the services (output). In
our case, a management institute is said to be efficient if it is able to use its resources in
an optimum way to achieve its full efficiency. This paper considers some relevant
parameters, which would be useful in measuring the performance of the technical
institutus. The selection of input and output variables is crucial for DEA as ill-defined
variables could lead to the erroneous conclusion. In line with the AICTE
recommendation and Business World's ranking, the various parameters are chosen
in such a way that they reflect the actual objectives as accurately as possible. The
various parameters considered are intake capacity, annual fee, number of faculty,
average salary offered at the time of placement, student's satisfaction and the
management's vision for the growth. The secondary data were used from the
respective institute's website for the quantitative information. Since some of the
parameters are qualitative in nature like student's satisfaction and the vision of the
management, the qualitative responses (feedback) were gathered and analysed along
with other quantitative parameters through DEA. To measure student's satisfaction
and the vision of the management, the opinions were taken on a scale of 1-7 likert scale.
Cronbach's coefficient (a) is calculated to test the reliability and internal consistency of
the responses. The value of Cronbach's a found to be 0.80. This value is considered to
be consistent as reported in Cronin and Taylor (1992) and Parasuraman et al. (1988).
The descriptive statistics are calculated and depicted in Table I.
As per the conventional method, pre defined weights are assigned to various
parameters This could be misleading in case of handling qualitative factors as the
personal judgement varies from expert to expert and it could have a negative affect on
the performance evaluation of the various institutes. Because of intangible parameters,
assessing of the performance becomes a difficult job but this paper tries to integrate
both tangible and intangible attributes in the analysis. Important statistics relating to
the sample are summarised in Table I. The standard deviation reflects the average
deviation from the mean value of the parameters. The maximum deviation can be seen
in "average salary" of the students followed by fees. However the parameter "vision"
has the least variation. Other useful statistics are average explaining the mean of the
data set, total number of observations, minimum and maximum value and range which
is the difference between the maximum and minimum observations.
Empirical analysis
This section presents the principal outcome, which reflects the relative efficiency of the
management institutes after evaluating under DEA-CCR and DEA-BCC
(output-oriented model under the constant returns to scale (CRS) and variable
returns to scale (VRS) assumptions respectively). The efficiency of all the institutions
has been evaluated and DEA efficiency scores are also calculated by running the
appropriate model. The DEA-solver-LV software, version 1.0, by Kaoru Tone is used
for the calculation of DEA scores, slacks, and return-to-scale (Cooper et al., 2000).
It is clear from Table II that the DEA-BCC model yields higher average efficiency
estimates than the DEA-CCR model. The respective average values of 0.90 and 0.80
and where an index value of 1.00 equates to perfect or maximum efficiency. Also in
terms of consistency, BCC model proves a better model than CCR, as the standard
deviation is lower in case of BCC model.
Table III outlines the efficiency obtained on 20 management institutes under
constant return to scale (CRS) and variable return to scale (VRS). 8 and 5 out of 20
management institutions included in the analysis are identified as efficient when the
DEA-BCC and DEA-CCR models are applied respectively. The result that the
DEA-BCC model yields more efficient management institutes is not surprising since a
DEA model with an assumption of constant return to scale provides information only
on technical efficiency while a DEA-BCC model with an assumption of variable returns
of scale identifies pure technical efficiency alone.
Intake Fee Faculty Average salary Vision Satisfaction
Total N 20 20 20 20 20 20
Mean 121.5000 152,025.0000 27.3500 279,000.000 4.9250 3.9805
Median 120.0000 157,000.0000 24.5000 272,500.000 5.0500 4.2500
Sum 2,430.00 3,040,500.00 547.00 5,580,000.00 98.50 79.61
Minimum 60.00 33,500.00 8.00 12,000.00 2.00 1.02
Maximum 180.00 247,000.00 45.00 460,000.00 7.10 6.10
Range 120.00 213,500.00 37.00 448,000.00 5.10 5.08
SD 28.33540 52,713.34471 10.32256 103,538.44951 1.37935 1.46617
Kurtosis 2.366 0.990 2 0.793 1.178 2 0.564 2 0.014
Table I.
Descriptive summary of
the variables
No. of DMUs 20 20
Average 0.904519 0.807223
SD 0.118685 0.159051
Maximum 1 1
Minimum 0.599218 0.480119
Table II.
The comparisons of
efficiencies between BCC
and CCR models
It is an interesting subject to investigate the sources of inefficiency that a DMU might
have. The CCR model postulates that the radial expansion and reduction of all
observed DMUs and their nonnegative combination are possible and hence the CCR
score is called global technical efficiency. On the other hand, the BCC model assumes
the convex combination of the observed DMUs as the production possibility set and the
BCC score is called local pure technical efficiency. If a DMU is fully efficient (100
percent) in both the CCR and BCC scores, it is operating in the most productive scale
size because it enjoys the maximum possible economy of scale (Cooper et al., 2000).
Technical efficiency describes the efficiency in converting inputs to outputs while scale
efficiency recognizes that economy of scale cannot be attained at all scales of
production and that there is one most productive scale size (MPSS) where the scale
efficiency is maximum at 100 percent. (Ramanathan, 1966).
The decomposition of scale efficiency which is defined as Technical
efficiency/Pure Technical efficiency depicts the source of inefficiency whether it is
caused by inefficient operation (PTE) or disadvantageous conditions displayed by
scale efficiency (SE) or by both. The result exhibited in Table III depicts that DMUs
A, D, F, J and M have attained MPSS whereas rest of the institutes are inefficient in
terms of inefficient operations and disadvantageous condition both. Since the model
used in this paper is output oriented, decreasing return to scale implies that an
increase in a unit's inputs result in a less than proportionate increase in its outputs.
This result implies scale efficiency is a major problem across all the institutions
included in the sample.
A one way ANOVA of the efficiency for the DEA-CCR and DEA-BCC analyses
indicates that the efficiency measures calculated using these two different approaches
are not significantly different at the 1 percent and 2 percent level of significance as
Technical efficiency Pure technical efficiency Scale efficiency
A 1 1 1 Constant
B 0.724882133 1 0.724882133 Decreasing
C 0.76664465 0.828794055 0.925012245 Decreasing
D 1 1 1 Constant
E 0.647177108 0.762848737 0.848368852 Decreasing
F 1 1 1 Constant
G 0.687208768 0.861780093 0.797429383 Decreasing
H 0.926362297 1 0.926362297 Decreasing
I 0.593103632 0.599217986 0.98979611 Constant
J 1 1 1 Constant
K 0.480119454 0.935196687 0.513388745 Decreasing
L 0.764502762 0.931294153 0.820903643 Decreasing
M 1 1 1 Constant
N 0.566285326 0.752450554 0.752588092 Decreasing
O 0.82992074 0.891122278 0.93132083 Decreasing
P 0.929180887 1 0.929180887 Decreasing
Q 0.829063475 0.950145459 0.872564792 Decreasing
R 0.905189267 0.917971259 0.986075825 Constant
S 0.825363276 0.987186846 0.836076048 Decreasing
Table III.
Efficiency under
p-value is greater than 0.01 and 0.02. Table IV reflects that calculated F value is less
than critical F value so we may accept the hypothesis that there is no significant
difference between two methods of efficiency. A Spearman's rank order correlation
coefficient between the efficiency rankings derived from DEA-BCC and DEA-CCR is
0.70. The positive and high Spearman's rank order correlation coefficient indicates that
the rank of each firm derived from applying the two different models is similar. A
combination of ANOVA and Spearman's rank order correlation coefficient leads to the
conclusion that the efficiency estimates yielded by the two approaches are similar and
follow the same pattern across management institutes.
As far as individual institutions are concerned, Table III also reports the return
to scale properties. Of the 20 management institutions, all 5 scale efficient
institutions show constant return to scale. Rest of them show decreasing return to
scale except DMU R, which shows a constant return to scale, being an inefficient
Empirical result also reveals that there exists substantial waste in the operation of
the institutions in the sample. For instance, the average efficiency of institutions
derived from applying the DEA-CCR model amounts to 0.80. This indicates that in
theory, the management institutions under study can, on average, dramatically
increase the level of their output to 1.25 (1/. 80) times as much as their current level
while using the same inputs.
Figure 2 plots the tendency for the relationship between efficiency scores and
student's satisfaction level. Since the Pearson's correlation coefficients of the student's
satisfaction are 0.54 and 0.17 with DEA-BCC and DEA-CCR models. Both the
correlations are significant at 5 percent level of significance. It appears that its scale of
operations significantly influences the efficiency of a management institute and that
there is an evidence to support the existence of economies of scale in the education
Figure 2.
Relationship between
student's satisfaction and
efficiency score
ANOVA SS df MS Fp -value F crit.
Source of variation
Between groups 0.094665 1 0.094665 4.56698 0.039091 5.897959
Within groups 0.78767 38 0.020728
Total 0.882335 39
Table IV.
ANOVA of the CCR and
BCC efficiency
This section outlines the discussion on the result obtained on 20 management
institutes. As exhibited in Table III, management institutes A, D, F, H, J, M, and P are
100 percent efficient. These institutes are efficient in terms of operations as they are
able to produce maximum output from a given set of inputs (BCC ¼ 1) and they are
also able to choose an optimal set of inputs (Scale Efficiency ¼ 1). However, institute B
is able to produce output from given set of inputs as BCC ¼ 1 but it is operating under
disadvantageous condition as the scale efficiency is equal to 0.72. The institute C is also
an inefficient institute as its operation is inefficient because BCC is equal to 0.82 and it
is also operating under disadvantageous condition because the scale efficiency is 0.92.
As a result it is not globally efficient institute as CCR ¼ 0:76. The similar reason can be
given for other management schools.
It can be summarized from the obtained result that in terms of scale efficiency, there
is no significant difference between top 10 and next 10 management institutions.
Leaving only 7 institutions, that is to say A, D, F, I, J, M and R, rest of them are
operating under decreasing return to scale. This suggests that scale inefficient
institutions either have to increase the output level or decrease the input. However,
decreasing inputs viz. number of seats, number of faculty may not be a feasible
solution, in that case an emphasis must be on increasing the student's satisfaction level
and improving the vision towards the management education.
It is quite evident from the result that over a long period of time, the business
schools must consider their stakeholders rather than focussing only on profit. Also, a
large number of management schools show lack of using the resources in an optimum
way, resulting dissatisfaction among the students.
In the present day, the management schools have become an integral part of the
economy. Especially if we are mentioning globalization of economy then the education
sector should be monitored more critically.
The conventional method of evaluating any educational institute is to ask the
knowledgeable respondents to express their perception. This paper attempts to
measure the efficiency of the institutes quantitatively and rank them. It has been
argued in this paper that efficiency can be measured by using the inputs and outputs
which are intangible in nature. Although some of the management schools are
analysed in this paper, however this paper focuses on the measurement of the value in
management education. Many institutes are being able to charge a high fee for their
management programme. However they are not able to maintain their status and rank
in the various rankings. This paper tries to answer the question. The result draws to a
clear and specific conclusion that an efficient institute is able to use all its resources in
an optimum way to produce the maximum output.
Our purpose is not to contradict or confirm the ranking they have received in
Business World (2005). The approach is to illustrate the application of DEA for the
evaluation of MBA institutes on the basis of efficiency. It should be remembered that
the efficiencies have been computed for illustration purpose. This paper tries to
establish whether differences in efficiency exist among some the best run institutes
(e.g. if the top 10 differ from the next 10) and it does not provide any insight on efficient
programmes. To add further that information on various inputs and outputs were
collected from the websites of the respective B-schools and no such validation was
done on data collection.
This kind of analysis may give different efficiencies even though some slight
changes have been applied. As we have dealt with qualitative parameter, sometimes it
is difficult to achieve a consensus. However, the expert's opinion may be considered for
the analysis.
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Sherman, H.D. (1984), "Hospital efficiency measurement and evaluation", Medical Care, Vol. 22
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Sueyoshi, T. (1999), "DEA duality on Returns to Scale (RTS) in production and cost analyses: an
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Vassiloglou, M. and Giokas, D. (1990), "A study of the relative efficiency of the bank branches:
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Zenios, C.V., Zenios, S.A., Agathocleous, K. and Soteriou, A.C. (1999), "Benchmarks of the
efficiency of bank branches", Interfaces , Vol. 29 No. 3, pp. 37-51.
Further reading
Jackson, N. (2001), "Benchmarking in UK HE: an overview", Quality Assurance in Education,
Vol. 9 No. 4, pp. 218-35.
Roll, Y., Cook, W.D. and Golany, B. (1991), "Controlling factor weights in data envelopment
analysis", IIE Transactions, pp. 2-9.
The mathematical formulation of DEA model is presented in the following section as given by
rek (2005):
max h
oðu; vÞ
Subject to:
# 1; j ¼ 1; 2; :::n ð A2Þ
$ 0; r ¼ 1; 2 ; ... s ðA3Þ
$ 0; i ¼ 1; 2; ... m ðA4Þ
where h
is the technical efficiency of DMU
to be estimated, u
and v
are optimal weights to be
determined, y
is the observed amount of output of the rth type for the jth DMU, x
is the
observed amount of input of the ith type for the jth DMU, r indicates the s different outputs, I
denotes the m different inputs, and j indicates the n different DMUs. The weights u
and v
in the
objective function are chosen to maximize the value of the DMU's efficiency ratio subject to the
less than unity constrains. These constrains ensure that the optimal weights for DMU
in the
objective function does not imply an efficiency score greater than unity, either for itself or for any
of the other DMUs.
The DEA model mentioned above is a fractional linear program in which the numerator has
to be maximized and the denominator would be minimized simultaneously. To solve this kind of
model, it is converted into linear form by following a transformation developed by Charnes and
Cooper (1962) for fractional programming. It allows the introduction of a constant. This is given
in equation (A5):
¼ 1 ðA5Þ
This means the sum of all inputs is set to equal one. The obtained linear programming problem
that is equivalent to the linear fractional programming problem (equations (A1) to (A4)) for
DMUs can be written as:
Max z
# 0; j ¼ 1; 2; ... n ðA7Þ
¼ 1 ðA8Þ
$ 0; r ¼ 1; 2 ; ... s ðA9Þ
$ 0; i ¼ 1; 2; ... m: ðA10Þ
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Roma Mitra Debnath can be contacted at:
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Applying QFD to develop a
training course for clothing
Catherine Y.P. Chan and G. Taylor
Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hong Kong, and
W.C. Ip
Department of Applied Mathematics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hong Kong
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a case study on the development of an in-house
training course, with the focus on providing the job incumbents with the necessary knowledge and
skills to achieve the performance required by the management.
Design/methodology/approach – The study adopted a user-oriented and learner-centred
approach and followed the key principles and basic steps of QFD. Affinity diagramming and
conversion table were used to assist in the collection, processing and deployment of the voice of the
customer (VOC), and the AHP was employed to operate the various prioritizations involved.
Findings – The job incumbents found the training course to be helpful in managing their learning.
The members of the course development team also gained a greater understanding of both the
performance requirements of the management and the knowledge and skills needed by the job
Originality/value – The successful application of QFD in this study has provided the training
industry with a course development methodology for meeting the learning needs of the job
Keywords Quality function deployment, Training, Clothing
Paper type Case study
In Hong Kong, the change from production to provision of merchandising services of
the manufacturing industries has turned a new page for industrial training. Since the
massive transplantation of assembly lines out of the region in the 1980s, many
companies have shifted or expanded their business to merchandising. With more and
more overseas buyers wanting to purchase their merchandise from China and some
other developing countries, the merchandising business in Hong Kong has further
developed from offering production services to providing sourcing services. The new
business nature and the new kinds of workforce have implied new curricula and a new
way of providing the industrial knowledge and skills that are effective for enhancing
the job incumbents' new competency are needed.
The knowledge-based merchandising business requires a new approach for
developing industrial training courses. Since multiple languages and intellectual
ability are essential for providing professional merchandising services, more and more
companies like to recruit fresh university graduates of various academic disciplines
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
The TQM Journal
Vol. 21 No. 1, 2009
pp. 34-45
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/17542730910924736
and assist them to develop into merchandising experts through in-house and on-the-job
training. However, in industrial training, the trainer is often invited to suggest the
knowledge and skills that are necessary for the trainees, according to his or her
experience with certain operations or knowledge in certain areas. The viewpoints of the
trainees, that is, the job incumbents, are seldom taken into account (Ogot and Okudan,
2007). This subject-matter expert approach is sufficient for training the production
workers, but it may not be appropriate for the case of the highly educated servicing
workforce. The reason is what the job incumbents have learnt from the training will
only represent a part of the competency that they require to perform their jobs. Their
learning preference is vital to the success of the training. In order to achieve desirable
training results, it is necessary to adopt a user-oriented and learner-centered approach
to develop courses. The training practitioners have to recognize that the job
incumbents are the users of the training services whilst the management is the user of
the job incumbents' competency. In other words, effective knowledge and skills are
what the job incumbents expect to receive from the training and competent job
incumbents are what the management demands.
Quality function deployment (QFD), a proven product development technique and a
methodology for achieving customer satisfaction, is applicable to the development of
education and training courses (Ermer, 1995; Zairi, 1995). In this paper, we will focus
on how an industrial training course could be developed for addressing the
performance needs of the management as well as the knowledge and skill needs of the
job incumbents through the use of QFD. As an illustration, a case study on using QFD
to develop an in-house course for training the merchandising trainees of a clothing
trading company to perform sample measurement checks will be presented.
Literature review
QFD is an approach for managing the supply chain as well as a methodology for new
product development (Akao, 1990a). It was conceived in Japan in the late 1960s with
the purpose of meeting the need for a quality assurance system of the industries
(Kogure and Akao, 1983). The central idea of QFD is to establish the necessary control
points prior to production start-up so that product quality could be assured in the
planning stage (Akao, 1990b). Firmly grounded on the principles of total quality
management (TQM), QFD focuses on delivering value by understanding the
customers' needs and deploying this information throughout the development process
as well as to the manufacturing process and control systems (Sullivan, 1986; Hill, 1994).
Since its introduction some 40 years ago, QFD has been extensively applied by many
leading companies of different industries as an effective quality improvement tool for
achieving customer satisfaction (King, 1987; Cohen, 1995). Besides having reduced
many introduction problems, the team approach that characterized QFD has also
facilitated the communication and cooperation among various functions of an
organization (Burn, 1990; Terninko, 1997).
Since the education quality movement started in the late 1980s, QFD has been
applied in various quality improvement projects, ranging from the formulation of
educational systems to the planning of courses and services. There are several studies
in which QFD was used to make plans for improving educational quality at the
government and institution levels. The Education Ministry of the State of Guanajuato
Applying QFD to
a training course
in Me
xico used "Comprehensive QFD Matrixes" to formulate a strategic plan for
improving the educational system (Okamoto and Riobo
o, 2002). In the institution-wide
quality audit of a vocational secondary school in Slovenia, the house of quality (HOQ)
was used to identify the areas for improvement (Starbek et al., 2000). Varnavas and
Soteriou (2002) shared their use of QFD matrices to translate the voice of the staff and
students into actionable characteristics in the study of establishing a customer-driven
management culture for the Higher Hotel Institute of Cyprus. Furthermore, Thakkar
et al. (2006) developed a HOQ to understand the students' requirements in evaluating
the potential of the self-financed technical institutions for the TQM implementation.
Literature shows that QFD has been widely applied to improving curriculum quality.
At Portsmouth Business School, both the cause-and-effect diagram and VOC table
were used to formulate the basic structure and curriculum for its vocational courses
(Seow and Moody, 1996). Duffuaa et al. (2003) employed QFD to identify the key design
concepts for a basic statistics course for the systems engineering students of King
Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. Similarly, Gonzalez et al. (2008) built a
HOQ, accompanied by benchmarking and customer windows quadrant, to develop the
curriculum for an undergraduate course on supply chain management. Besides
curriculum quality, QFD was also applied to improve the instructional quality as well.
At ASQC's Greater Detroit Section, the HOQ was utilized for planning action to
improve the instructional process of a certified quality auditor refresher course
(Zaciewski, 1994). Koura et al. (1998) of the Asahi University employed the basic steps
of QFD to turn the students' desires into an action plan for improving the lecture
quality. For all these studies, although QFD was used for different purposes and in
various ways, they all aimed to achieve customer satisfaction.
For the particular domain of course development, QFD was mainly applied in two
areas. The first area was quality planning. QFD was used to define the quality
characteristics for a program or a course. At Athabasca University, Murgatroyd (1993)
used a preliminary study with the students of a 400-level course on organizational
change to illustrate how the HOQ could be used to identify the components that are
important in creating successful learning experience for students – an important issue
for the design of distance education instructions. Likewise, at Southeast Missouri State
University, Downing and Downing (2004) employed the HOQ to derive the
instructional and technological requirements from the students' needs with online
learning for the design of a web-based course. Furthermore, at the Technology and
Vocational Education of Aeronautical Department in Taiwan, QFD was used to
identify the key school characteristics from the airline companies' requirements with
aircraft maintenance technicians for the future design of training curriculum and
teaching plans (Cheng et al., 2005). The second area that QFD applied in course design
was curriculum evaluation. QFD was used to assess whether the existing course had
met certain educational standards or customer expectations. At the University of
Glamorgan, QFD was used as a tool for monitoring the quality of a mechanical
engineering course. Student feedback was put into the HOQ in order to assess whether
the taught subjects had effectively achieved the course objectives (Smith et al. , 1993;
Higgins et al., 1994). While at the Department of Vision Sciences of Aston University, a
"QFD Systems Flow Model" was constructed to assess the course delivery and
provision of resources for the undergraduate program of optometry on whether they
were relevant to and sufficient for students to obtain the accredited qualification
(Clayton, 1993, 1995). Similar application was found at RainStar University. QFD was
used to ensure the curriculum of the acupuncture and oriental medicine master-degree
program had provided sufficient learning experience to students for mastering the
professional competencies, which were proposed by the accrediting body and the
expert panel (Bier and Cornesky, 2001). At Central Connecticut State University, QFD
was utilized to assess the learning activities of the manufacturing engineering
technology program for their contribution towards fulfilment of the expected learning
outcomes (Prusak, 2007).
Course evaluation is the basis of controlling the quality of education. However, in
today's rapidly changing environment, the development of timely courses is essential
for supporting the human resources development of the society. Although a two-way
matrix is useful for checking whether the product and service attributes can meet the
customer needs, the powerfulness of QFD lies in its ability to create the product and
service attributes to meet the ever-changing customers' needs. Therefore, research into
the feasibility of applying QFD to course development is of paramount importance to
the implementation of TQM for education.
Case study
This study was undertaken with the aim of illustrating how QFD could be applied to
meeting the learning needs of the job incumbents. The objective of the course studied
was to train the merchandising trainees of a clothing trading company on how to
perform sample measurement check, one of the two operations for the task of sample
inspection. As a service provider for merchandise trade, sample inspection is a major
daily task that the merchandisers need to perform. Upon receiving samples from
vendors, the merchandisers have to conduct dimensional and quality checks before
sending them to their buyers for approval. As proper sample checks could help product
development and reduce quality problems, sample inspection is a basic and important
part of the training for the merchandising trainees.
Most of the merchandising trainees were fresh university graduates and they had
limited knowledge of clothing products and production. The training course selected
for the case study was one that emphasized inspection skills and knowledge of the
common material and production defects of clothing products. The approach was
similar to that used for training the inspection efficiency of quality controllers.
However, in regard to the trainees' background and the nature of sample inspection,
the company realized that a new training program was needed in order to increase the
effectiveness of assisting the trainees to learn how to perform sample measurement
Both the merchandising managers and merchandising trainees were the customers
of the training course, but they had different needs with the training. If the course could
meet their needs simultaneously, different kinds of information have to be collected
from them. For this case study, the desirable performance for sample measurement
check was the need of the merchandising managers whilst effective knowledge and
skills to perform sample measurement check was the need of the trainees. Therefore,
the voice of the merchandising managers was used to structure the performance
requirements – that is, the "WHATs" – whilst that of the trainees was used to
Applying QFD to
a training course
prioritize the importance of the subjects – that is, the "HOWs" – for meeting the
performance requirements. In the course development process, the important
contribution of the subject-matter experts was their expertise to professionally
translate the "WHATs" into a list of effective "HOWs".
In this study, the technique of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was employed to
carry out the necessary prioritizations. The initial development of QFD has adopted the
assignment of 4-2-1 or some other similar symbols to weigh the effectiveness of the
"HOWs" for achieving the "WHATs" of the matrix of the quality table. This is an easy
method but arbitrary numbers are used. Since AHP enables the derivation of ratio scale
for making priorities or assigning weights (Saaty, 1994; Forman and Selly, 2001), it
provides a mathematically valid mechanism to operate QFD (Zultner, 1993; Zultner,
2007). The publications of Hepler and Mazur (2007) and Raharjo et al. (2007) are
examples demonstrated successful application of AHP to the operation of QFD. Not
only could AHP help in making sensible prioritizations, it could also allow the
incorporation of the voice of the merchandising managers and the trainees in a
practical manner.
Defining performance requirements
Three merchandising managers were invited to attend a brainstorming session that
was organized by the training department of the company. In the brainstorming
session, the merchandising managers expressed their performance requirements for
the task of sample measurement check. The voice of the merchandising managers was
jotted down in the form of verbatim. Using the method of affinity diagramming, the
collected data was modified, reworded and grouped into a meaningful structure. Upon
structuring the data, the three merchandising managers agreed that the performance
goal for the task of sample measurement check was "Measure accurately". This goal
consisted of two performance objectives:
(1) "Measure with appropriate techniques"; and
(2) "Measure at the right positions".
Before the brainstorming session ended, each of the three merchandising managers
was asked to assess the relative importance of the two performance objectives in
respect to the performance goal. Their responses were entered into the group model of
Expert Choice w, the software for operating AHP, to calculate the weights of
importance of the two performance objectives. This process is equivalent to the
structuring process of the "WHATs" of QFD. Figure 1 displays the structure of the
Figure 1.
Performance requirement
for sample measurement
performance requirement for the task of sample measurement check, with the goal and
its two objectives attached with the respective weights.
Generating subject alternatives
A gemba visit was paid to the second lesson of the current training course for the
purpose of collecting information about the actual learning situation of the trainees.
During the class, they were observed to see how they conducted sample measurement
checks. After the class, some of the trainees were interviewed to find out about the
difficulties that they had experienced when learning how to perform sample
measurement checks. Using the conversion table, the course development team
reworded and interpreted the collected information with the aim of extracting the
knowledge and skills that were required by the trainees to perform sample
measurement checks. The extracted knowledge and skills were then grouped into a list
of subjects. These subjects were the alternatives for achieving the two performance
objectives of sample measurement check. This process is equivalent to the formulation
process of the "HOWs" of QFD. Figure 2 exhibits an example of processing the
information that was collected on the occasion of the gemba visit for the generation of
subject alternatives.
Below are the five subject alternatives that were suggested for the training course:
(1) measuring techniques;
(2) basic measurements;
(3) basic concepts of garment construction;
(4) clothing terminology; and
(5) fundamental knowledge of pattern making.
Prioritizing alternative subjects for meeting performance requirements
A survey was conducted to identify which of the five subjects were important to the
trainees for achieving the expected performance for the task of sample measurement
Figure 2.
An example of processing
the information collected
from the gemba visit
Applying QFD to
a training course
check. For each pair of subjects, the trainees were asked to make a comparison of the
importance for them for achieving each of the two performance objectives. Figure 3
displays part of the questionnaire that the trainees were asked to complete. In order to
assist the trainees to make the pairwise comparisons, they were provided with the
definitions specifying the respective scopes of the five subject alternatives (Table I). On
the third lesson of the training course, 20 questionnaires were distributed to the
trainees, all of which completed and collected. The responses were put into the group
model of Expert Choice w to synthesize the priorities for the five subjects. This step
was equivalent to assessing the effectiveness of the "HOWs" to achieve the "WHATs"
of QFD.
Figure 4 shows the results of the survey. The two highest scoring subjects were
"Measuring techniques" and "Basic measurements", earning 28.5 percent and 25.0
percent respectively. This indicated that, from the trainees' point of view, these two
subjects were important to them for achieving the performance that was required for
the task of sample measurement check. In fact, these two subjects were expected to be
Figure 3.
An example of pairwise
comparisons on assessing
the subject alternatives for
meeting the performance
Subject Major areas to be covered Examples
Definitions of measurements Sleeve muscle – the widest part of the
Measurement points Sleeve muscle – 1
below armhole
Techniques for taking measurements
of different lines
Straight measure, V-measure, curve
Techniques for taking measurements
of drop position
Imaginary line for neck drops, slope for
shoulder drop
Table I.
An example of the
definitions explaining the
subject alternatives
important to the trainees, as they need to know what was to be measured and how to
take the measurements. However, the way to teach "Measuring techniques" and "Basic
measurements" was the key issue. The trainer has to carefully design the instruction so
that the trainees can properly master the required skills and knowledge.
There was a new insight from the result of the survey. "Basic concepts of garment
construction", an area that was not emphasized in the current course, turned out to be
of third importance (20.3 percent). Although the terms such as high point shoulder,
pleat and dart were mentioned from time to time in the classes, it seems that the
trainees wanted to have a more comprehensive understanding about the reference
points and lines of the human figure as well as the mechanisms for creating shapes and
fullness in order to fully understand about clothing measurements. This was an
important point that has to be covered by the course content.
It is worth mentioning that the order of importance of the subjects does not directly
imply the teaching sequence or the allocation of time for them. They only highlight the
areas on which the design of the training course must focus.
Course development
The course development team redesigned the training content in accordance to the
information that obtained from the field study. Upon discussion, the course
development decided that it would be more appropriate to provide a theoretical
background before the trainees start to practice. Table II shows the changes that were
going to be made to the training content. With the number of training hours remaining
unchanged, the subjects and the teaching sequences were revised with the aim of
assisting the trainees to acquire the knowledge and skills more easily. To replace the
subject of "Defects of clothing items", two new subjects, "Basic concepts of garment
construction" and "Clothing terminology", were added to the course. These two
subjects would be taught before "Basic Measurements" and the practical session.
The revised training course received positive feedback from the trainees. On the
third lesson of the trial run, the course development team paid a visit to the class. It was
a practical session. Comparing to the original course, it was observed that the trainees
had less problems with checking the sample measurements. Furthermore, many
trainees claimed that they had the confidence to perform the tasks competently.
Learning is highly emphasized in the knowledge-based merchandising business of
today's service-oriented manufacturing industries. This study has illustrated how QFD
could be applied to the course development of industrial training for meeting the
learning needs of the job incumbents. The results showed that the trainees found the
training course to be helpful in managing their learning. Furthermore, the members of
Figure 4.
Priorities of the five
subject alternatives for
achieving the performance
goal of sample
measurement check
Applying QFD to
a training course
Original course content Revised course content
Sequence Subject Method Time Sequence Subject Method Time
1 Basic measurements Lecture 4 hours 1 Basic concepts of garment construction Lecture 2 hours
2 Measuring techniques Practice 16 hours 2 Clothing terminology Lecture 3 hours
3 Defects of clothing items Lecture 4 hours 3 Basic measurements Lecture 3 hours
4 Measuring techniques Practice 16 hours
Total: 24 hours Total 24 hours
Table II.
Revised training content
for sample measurement
the course development team indicated that they have gained a greater understanding
of the performance requirements of the management and the knowledge and skills
needed by the merchandisers. This would be very useful for them to plan and design
training courses to meeting the changing competency needs of the company's staff
Whilst QFD has been commonly applied to curriculum evaluation, this paper has
illustrated a study on how it could be applied to course design. As customer
participation is vital to the success of the development, the study demonstrated how
QFD could convert the different voice of the managers and trainees into the training
contents to satisfy their respective needs, and, at the same time, achieve the purpose of
the course. The respective roles and contributions of the management, job incumbents
and subject-matter experts in course development have been clearly reflected in the
process. Although this study was about the development of an in-house course for
training its staff to perform a technical task, the QFD methodology presented could
serve as a useful reference for developing other kinds of company training and public
industrial training courses. The authors hope that this study could attract more
training practitioners to use QFD to design courses to support the human resources
development of various industries.
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Corresponding author
Catherine Y.P. Chan can be contacted at:
Applying QFD to
a training course
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Self-assessment of TQM
practices: a case analysis
V. Arumugam
Faculty of Management, Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
Hiaw Wei Chang
University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, and
Keng-Boon Ooi and Pei-Lee Teh
Faculty of Management, Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to assess the current level of TQM practices within a major
computer hard disk USA based manufacturing company in Malaysia and to identify improvement
Design/methodology/approach – Original research using self-administered questionnaires,
distributed to all staff within this organization, is thoroughly reported. The study sample consisted
of 299 employees, resulting in a response rate of 66.4 percent. The data were analyzed using
descriptive and multiple regression analyses.
Findings – The analysis revealed that the strengths of the company, in its quality management
implementation, lie in customer focus and process management. It was also perceived to attain a
"good" level of practices in leadership, strategic planning, human resource development and
management. On the other hand, supplier relationship and information and analysis both received
only moderate scores. This suggested that more effort needs to be focused on improving supplier
quality and relationship management and the information distribution system.
Research limitations/implications – The research paper was derived from a single organization;
therefore generalization of these findings to other organizations should be applied with care.
Originality/value – The approach and methods outlined may be adopted or used as a guideline in
conducting any subsequent surveys in the company or, in a broader sense, they can be referenced by
practitioners or researchers engaged in similar research or survey studies.
Keywords Self assessment, Total quality management, Business performance
Paper type Case study
1. Introduction
The effectiveness of quality management initiatives resulting in sustainable
competitive advantage and enhanced business performance has been a major
subject of interest for business and academia alike. Much has been written about the
philosophy of Total Quality Management (TQM) and its impact on competitive
success. Quality management has been identified as the prime driver for enhanced
business performance (Corbett et al., 1998).
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
This is a revised version of a paper presented at the 7th Asian Academy of Management
Conference (AAMC), Penang, Malaysia, 21-25 November 2007. The authors gratefully
acknowledge the helpful comments provided by anonymous reviewers and the Editors on an
earlier version of this article.
The TQM Journal
Vol. 21 No. 1, 2009
pp. 46-58
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/17542730910924745
Over the past two decades, companies experienced dramatic changes in business
environment characterized by such phenomenon as increasing consumer
consciousness of quality, rapid technology transfer, globalization and low cost
competition. In response to these challenges, many companies have joined the quality
movement and implemented various quality improvement initiatives as a means to
enhanced competitiveness. However, there seems to be a lack of systematic study of the
status of TQM-based research studies to understand the current practices and
improvement opportunities on their quality management journey towards Total
Quality Organizations.
To facilitate their drive towards higher quality levels, many companies are using
self-assessment tools to measure their current status on TQM and to plan future
process improvement activities (Azhashemi and Ho, 1999; Zink and Schmidt, 1998).
Correctly managing self-assessment of TQM towards achieving business performance
is strategically and tactically vital for gaining a competitive advantage. Previous
studies (e.g. Cangas, 1996; Larsstuen and Mikkelsen, 1999; Jørgensen et al., 2004) report
that members of an organization who participate in the process of self-assessment of
quality management or continuous improvement may develop deeper understanding
of the fundamental principles of continuous improvement and an increased motivation
to participate in subsequent improvement activities. In order to bridge the gap and
provide the organizations with practical assistance in dealing with self-assessment of
TQM practices, this paper uses a major computer hard disk USA based manufacturing
company in Malaysia to examine, whether the application of self-assessment of TQM
practices result in an improvement of the firm's business performance.
Given the above reasons, this paper presents an empirical study with the main
objective is to assess the current level of TQM practices in a major computer hard disk
manufacturing company in Malaysia and to identify improvement opportunities. The
remainder of this research paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, the theories laid
down in the literatures of TQM and self-assessment of TQM is reviewed. Section 3
presents the conceptual framework. Section 4 describes the research design and the
development of research instruments. Section 5 presents the methodology. Section 6
describes the research methodology. Finally, the results are discussed followed by
conclusions, implications, limitations of the study and recommendation for future
2. Literature review
2.1 Total quality manag ement
Since the 1980s, Total Quality Management (TQM) has become among the most
commonly used management acronym. As a change management tool, TQM has been
well accepted by managers (Huczynski, 1993). TQM is increasingly being seen as a
new management paradigm (Grant et al., 1994; Witcher, 1995). Oakland (1993) calls
TQM a new way of managing to improve effectiveness, flexibility and competitiveness
of a business to meet customers' requirements. Most TQM writers (Bounds et al., 1994;
Hill and Wilkinson, 1995) recognize TQM as incorporating elements of preceding
quality management eras, particularly the contributions of Shewhart, Deming, Juran
and Feigenbaum. Thus, TQM has evolved into a philosophy incorporating the hard
aspects of quality management and also soft aspects.
TQM is a key strategy for maintaining competitive advantage and is a way of
managing organizations to improve its overall effectiveness and performance towards
of TQM practices
achieving world-class status over the past few decades (Zhang et al., 2000). Research
has confirmed the strategic benefits of quality programmes and better quality is visible
in contributing to greater market share and return on investment (Cole, 1992; Phillips
et al., 1983), improved the area of strategic performance (Zhang, 2000) as well as lower
manufacturing costs and improved productivity (Garvin, 1983).
Several studies on TQM (e.g. Christensen, 1995; Hendriks and Singhal, 1997; Opara,
1996;) have indicated that TQM implementation would bring improvement to the
overall financial performance of an organization. Likewise, Walton (1986), Hendriks
and Singhal (1997), and Garvin (1988) claimed that successful implementation of TQM
could generate improved products and services, reduced costs, more satisfied
customers and employees, and improved financial performance. Kanji (1998) stated
that TQM could lead to business excellence. Powell (1995) examined TQM as a
potential source of sustainable competitive advantage and found that performance was
positively associated with TQM practices. He concluded that organizations that
acquired TQM would outperform their competitors.
Studies by Saraph et al. (1989), Flynn et al. (1994) and Ahire et al. (1996) indicated
the importance of TQM towards customer satisfaction. Similarly, Malcolm Baldrige
National Quality Award (MBNQA) (1992), and Garvin (1983, 1988) highlighted the
importance of customer satisfaction on financial performance. Choi and Eboch (1998)
attempted to investigate the impact of TQM on plant performance but found that the
relationship is mediated by customer satisfaction.
Agus et al. (2000) investigated the linkages between TQM, customer satisfaction
and financial performance. The results indicated that proper implementation of TQM
can positively influence customer satisfaction, ultimately leading to enhanced financial
performance. A research work by Powell (1995) provided valuable insights on the "soft
issues" of TQM. The work explored TQM as a potential source of sustainable
competitive advantage and found that the most generally acceptable features
associated with TQM, such as quality training, process improvement, benchmarking,
etc. may not be that useful for effective TQM implementation. Instead, certain tacit and
behavioural features like open culture, employee empowerment and executive
commitment are vital for an environment conducive to TQM.
2.2 Self-assessment of total quality management
The origin of self-assessment of TQM can be directly traced to the initiation of
quality award programs and business excellence models, such as the Malcolm
Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA), the European Foundation for Quality
Management (EFQM), the Deming Prize (DP), and the Australian Quality Award
(AQA). The launch of MBNQA in 1987 has developed from a measurement of
organizational quality to a guideline for companies striving toward performance
excellence (Pannirselvam and Ferguson, 2001). Its popularity is not surprising as the
Baldrige criteria put forward a comprehensive framework for assessing companies'
progress or tool for self-assessment (Garvin, 1991). As an evidence of continuous
improvement, each local authority is required to perform a self-assessment of their
performance. This requirement has led to the implementation of the EFQM Business
Excellence Model as a self-assessment tool by several of Scotland's 32 local councils
(Douglas et al., 1999). The EFQM excellence model encourages precise assessment
of an organization and highlights issues on performance results as well as the
inputs and processes needed to realize them (George et al., 2003). Essentially, the
"self-assessment tools were designed in order to allow an organization to ascertain its
current level of performance on measures related to quality and overall business
improvement" (Hillman, 1994; Jørgensen et al., 2004). The techniques used to monitor
the health and performance of organizations is termed self-assessment (Dzus, 1991;
Van Nuland, 1990; Jørgensen et al., 2004). Thus, "self-assessment could provide a
form of gap analysis indicating the areas in need of improvement and utilize
self-assessment for a number of reasons, many of those are not related in any way to
the quality awards" (Jørgensen et al., 2004).
European Foundation for Quality Management (1992) defined self-assessment as a
cyclic and systematic review of an organization's activities and results against a model
such as Total Quality Management models. Guidelines for the various international
awards usually make reference to the self-assessment process. This is where
self-assessment provides a more tangible means of guiding the quality drive.
Many organizations have difficulties with measuring TQM progress, which is one
of the reasons for the failure of attempts to introduce TQM (Boyce, 1992). There is
support for conducting a cultural assessment before implementing TQM or similar
initiatives in order to identify possible barriers and to assist in designing the
implementation programme (Davies et al., 2007). Self-assessment on the basis of the
award criteria is one means of measuring the overall effects of TQM efforts, and go
through the plan-do-check cycle by evaluating the results of the self-assessment and
taking action for the following period.
There are many ways to carry out self-assessment in an organization. Many of the
approaches share common key processes but differ substantially in how the data is
collected to produce the information to be assessed. The data collection methods range
from discussion or focus group approaches to full award type processes (Ghobadian
and Woo, 1996). "The practice of self-assessment is relatively new, and therefore, there
is not an abundance of literature concerning how the process is actually conducted and
who is actually involved in that process" (Jørgensen et al., 2004). While there appears to
be broad variation among organizations in terms of who is responsible for conducting
the assessment (Jørgensen et al., 2004; Hillman, 1994; Zink and Schmidt, 1998;
Larsstuen and Mikkelsen, 1999), it is generally recommended for and initially
implemented almost exclusively by management. Some organizations choose to
delegate the task to a quality focus team, others a group of supervisors or managers,
and still others from teams from various departments and levels within the
organization (Larsstuen and Mikkelsen, 1999; Jørgensen et al., 2004). One of the authors
of this study is the TQM manager who is responsible for the self-assessment exercise
in the company.
3. Conceptual frame work
The conceptual model of this study is based on the six MBNQA criteria for
performance excellence with an additional criterion Supplier Relationship. The seven
constructs chosen for the study are leadership, strategic planning, customer focus,
information and analysis, human resource development and management, process
management, and supplier relationship. Figure 1 presents the conceptual model of the
study with business performance as the dependent variable and the remaining seven
constructs as independent variables.
of TQM practices
4. Research instrument
The research instrument in this study consists of two major sections. The first section
comprises seven constructs measuring self-assessment of TQM practices and the
second section comprises eight items that measure the overall performance of the
company in key business areas. The instrument used is a seven-point Likert scale,
representing a range of attitudes from strongly disagree to strongly agree.
4.1 Self-assessment of TQM measures
A comprehensive review of the prior empirical studies on TQM advocate that
researchers have defined TQM practices in various ways although they are
complementary to each other (Prajogo and Amrik, 2003; Terziovski and Samson, 1999).
Zhang et al. (2000) reported that Quality Award models such as the Deming Prize in
Japan, the European Quality Award in Europe; and the Malcolm Baldrige National
Quality Award (MBNQA) in the USA provides a useful audit or assessment framework
against which firms can evaluate their quality management methods, the deployment
of these methods, and the end business performance. In this study, we decided to use
one of these models as a framework for the self-assessment of TQM construct and
supplementary analyses by several other models. Based on the above literature
research, criteria of the MBNQA model was selected as the foundation of the
self-assessment as compared to other business excellence models such as the European
Quality Award in Europe and the Deming Prize. The main reason for this choice is that
many companies, that use the MBNQA criteria for self-assessment, have shown
success in enhancing their quality performance. The MBNQA model was selected for
the reason that it has been used in the study of the Australian and USA companies
conducted thus far (for example, Samson and Terziovski, 1999; Prajogo and Amrik,
2003; Loomba and Johannessen, 1997). Prajogo and Evans (1996, p. 7, as cited by
Rawabdeh (2008) further described that the "MBNQA criteria as being easy to classify
processes along the traditional management activity classification of organizing,
planning, directing and controlling, along with continuous improvement". Moreover,
this model has been accepted as representing TQM constructs by several well-known
scholars such as Ahire et al. (1996); Saraph et al. (1989), Dean and Bowen (1994); Juran
(1995) and Flynn et al. (1994). Previous studies also indicate that a majority of large
USA firms have used the MBNQA criteria for self-improvement and the evidence
suggest a long-term link between use of the MBNQA criteria and improved business
Figure 1.
Conceptual model of the
performance (e.g. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 1995;
Loomba and Johannessen, 1997).
The MBNQA encompasses six criteria of organizational practices, namely,
leadership, strategic and planning, customer focus, information and analysis, people
management and process management and one criterion of organizational
performance (Prajogo and Amrik, 2003). Thus, the self-assessment of TQM practices
selected in this study comprises of six criteria of MBNQA with an additional criterion,
i.e. supplier relationship. According to Hackman and Wageman (1995), developing
partnership with suppliers is one of the major TQM implementation process. Moreover,
due to the increasing importance of supplier relationships in today's business, the
authors have decided to include this construct since it has been accepted as
representing one of the main TQM constructs (Ahire et al. (1996); Saraph et al. (1989);
Flynn et al. (1994)). Thus, the seven constructs chosen for the study are leadership,
strategic planning, customer focus, information and analysis, human resource
development and management, process management, and supplier relationship.
4.2 Business performance measures
Similar to self-assessment of TQM constructs, business performance has been reflected
and measured in numerous ways in a previous empirical study on TQM (Zhang, 2000;
Zhang et al., 2000). However, most of the typical dependent variables used in these
studies are associated with a model which focused on customer satisfaction, work
processes improvement (such as cycle time and productivity), supplier quality
improvement, employee satisfaction, financial and marketplace performance,
achievement of strategic goals and objectives, and regulatory requirements
compliance. Among this variation, the dimension for measuring business
performance used by MBNQA was the one that most closely matched our objective.
Thus, we choose these eight activities of business performance as one of our research
5. Methodology
In this section we discuss sample and data collection procedures, operational measures
of variables used in the study and the evaluation method.
5.1 Sampling and data collection
The target population of this study is a major computer hard disk USA based
manufacturing company. The company was selected and viewed as the best and most
valid representation of the entire hard disk industry in Malaysia for the exploratory
survey for two main reasons. Firstly, the Company operating in Malaysia is the world's
largest independent manufacturer of cutting-edge thin-film media and it has the largest
substrate manufacturing facilities in the world (Malaysian Industrial Development
Authority News, 2004). Second, this company was chosen because TQM practices were
likely to be sophisticated and established. The authors felt that sampling would be
appropriate to collect sufficient information from the total population to make
statistical inferences. This can be achieved with adequate sampling design and sample
size. According to Bowen and Starr (1987), stratification can be used to improve sample
estimates of population characteristics. To improve the reliability of sampling and
ensure that the sample collected is representative of the company, the population was
stratified. The number of employees in the firm is approximately 1,100.
of TQM practices
The study was conducted based on individual job function. Only full-time
employees will be used for data analysis. It is worthy to note that the temporary
workers were excluded from this study because they normally work for the company
for just short periods of time and may either have, neither the basis to assess the
company adequately, nor the standing to represent the company. Three large
non-overlapping strata groups based on the types of job classification were included in
the sample (i.e. Managers and above, Exempt and Non-exempt employees). The
managerial group included middle and senior managers responsible for a single section
or several work areas. Non-exempt can be classified into direct and indirect employees.
Direct employees are referring to those who are directly involved in production,
whereas indirect employees are those who support production.
The mail survey was the main form of data collection. The questionnaires were
distributed to 450 employees, of which 19 of them were senior managers; 72 of them
were managers; 359 were supervisors, executives and non-executives. 305
questionnaires were returned of which 299 were valid for data analysis, yielding a
respond rate of about 66.4 percent.
5.2 Variables measurement
5.2.1 Independent variables: self-assessment of TQM practices. A total of 39 items were
adopted to measure self-assessment of TQM practices (Davis, 1992, Lai et al. , 2002,
Spencer and Loomba, 2001, Yavas, 1995, Yong and Wilkinson, 2001, Baldrige National
Quality Program, 2002). All items were assessed on a 7-point Likert scale with value
"7" representing a very strongly agree and value "1" representing a very strongly
5.2.2 Dependent variable: business performance. Eight measurement items (i.e.
customer satisfaction, work process improvement – such as cycle time and
productivity, supplier quality improvement, financial and marketplace performance,
employee satisfaction, achievement of strategic goals and aspects and regulatory
requirements compliance) were adopted from the Baldrige National Quality Program
(2002) to evaluate the overall business performance of the company in key business
area. A 7-point Likert scale was used to capture business performance, with score "7"
representing very strongly agree and "1" representing very strongly disagree.
5.3 Analyses of data
Factor analysis and scale reliabilities, as well as descriptive statistics analyses were
initially undertaken for the study variables. The hypothesis was tested using multiple
regression analysis.
6. Results of the survey
6.1 Factor analysis and scale reliabilities
A principle component factor analysis with varimax rotation was employed to validate
the underlying self-assessment of TQM practices. The item loading range for each
component (factor) was rather high with a minimum loading of 0.592 (process
management). According to Rollins (1992), a loading of 0.4 or higher is generally
considered good in statistical terms. Thus, the survey instrument had been validated to
have construct validity. The results of the factor analysis for each construct are
presented in Table I. The reliability coefficient of the independent variables
(Self-assessment of TQM practices) and the dependent variable (Business performance)
were above 0.70, which concurs with the suggestion made by Nunnally and Bernstein
(1994). The results are presented in Table I.
6.2 Descriptive analysis
The various mean scores of the constructs were computed and analyzed for estimating
the level of TQM practices perceived by the respondents. The results are presented in
Table II.
An overall mean score of 5.03 with a standard deviation of 0.657 indicated that the
company generally has a positive level of TQM implementation. This score is at the
upper middle end of the seven point Likert scale, where 7 represents the maximum
positive evaluation and 1 the maximum negative evaluation with 4 being the average
value. The mean score of constructs ranged from 4.84 to 5.16 with two scores
corresponding to a moderate level and the remaining six scores at a 'good' level of
practice. This suggested that in general, equal importance had been given to all aspects
of TQM practices rather than emphasizing individual TQM constructs. Hence it may
be concluded that TQM had been viewed and implemented in an integrated approach.
Customer focus received the highest mean score of 5.16. This indicated that the
company stressed the importance of customer satisfaction and requirements in their
TQM implementation process. The second highest emphasized TQM construct is
Process Management with a mean score of 5.14. This showed that the company
emphasized management and continual improvement of processes. The importance of
Business Performance is also indicated by the results. On the other hand, the two
lowest mean scores come from Supplier Relationship (4.84) and Information and
Number of items Factor loading Reliability
Independent variables
Leadership 7 0.675-0.847 0.877
Strategic planning 5 0.717-0.853 0.855
Customer focus 5 0.607-0.853 0.827
Information and analysis 6 0.696-0.819 0.856
Human resource development and management 5 0.741-0.827 0.833
Process management 6 0.592-0.819 0.822
Supplier relationship 5 0.646-0.795 0.775
Dependent variable
Business performance 8 0.698-0.796 0.890
Table I.
Results of factor analysis
and scale reliabilities
Construct Mean score SD Rank
Leadership 5.02 0.796 5
Strategic planning 5.07 0.788 4
Customer focus 5.16 0.757 1
Information and analysis 4.99 0.752 7
Human resource development and management 5.01 0.908 6
Process management 5.14 0.731 2
Supplier relationship 4.84 0.727 8
Business performance 5.09 0.722 3
Overall mean 5.03 0.657
Table II.
Descriptive statistics of
TQM constructs
of TQM practices
Analysis (4.99). Both received only moderate scores. This suggested that more effort
needs to be focused on improving supplier quality and relationship management and
information distribution system.
6.3 Multiple regression analysis
A multiple regression analysis was carried out to determine the effect of the seven
constructs on business performance. The results presented in Table III indicate that the
business performance is significantly affected by all the constructs. The results also
indicate that the seven constructs and the Business Performance is highly correlated
of 0.728). 72.8 percent of the variance in Business Results has been significantly
explained by the seven constructs
7. Conclusion and implications
In conclusion, the study offered an understanding of the level of quality management
practices at the company. The overall mean score of 5.03 indicates a positive level of
quality management implementation at the company. The analysis revealed that the
strengths of the company in its quality management implementation lie in customer
focus (5.16) and process management (5.14). It was also perceived to attain a 'good'
level of practices in leadership, strategic planning, human resource development and
management and business performance. It is clear from multiple regression analysis
that all the seven constructs affected the business performance. Hence it is imperative
that management must concentrate on all the seven constructs in order to achieve
world class status in TQM implementation. Since the mean score is 5.03 on a
seven-point scale with a minimum score of 4.84 and a maximum of 5.16. Thus, it can be
concluded that the company has achieved a "balanced" and an "integrated TQM
implementation, with moderate to good levels of practice for the constructs identified.
Nevertheless, based on its current status of TQM practices, the company is still some
distance away from being "excellent" against world-class performance excellence
(MBNQA) criteria. This paper provides a comprehensive step-by-step approach on
how a research survey study may be carried out: from research design, data collection,
instrument testing and validating, data analysis, to conclusions. On the other hand, the
study is the first-of-its-kind to have been conducted in the Malaysian company. The
approach and methods outlined in this paper may be adopted or used as a guideline in
conducting any subsequent surveys in the company or in a broader sense, and it can be
referenced by practitioners or researchers engaged in similar research/survey studies.
coefficients Standardized coefficients
Model B Standard error Beta t Sig.
Leadership 0.095 0.047 101 2.028 0.044
Strategic planning 0.056 0.055 0.061 1.020 0.038
Customer focus 0.129 0.057 0.134 2.283 0.023
Information and analysis 0.132 0.059 0.136 2.238 0.026
HR development 0.202 0.042 0.257 4.845 0.000
Process management 0.215 0.060 0.219 3.592 0.000
Supplier relationship 0.080 0.044 0.082 1.804 0.072
Table III.
Results of multiple
regression analysis
This study offers several important implications to the company under study, quality
practitioners who are considering self-assessment and other researchers. In terms of
theoretical contributions, this study has extended previous research conducted in most
of the Western countries and provides great potential by advancing the TQM literature
with a better understanding of the self-assessment of TQM within the context of
Malaysia's computer hard disk manufacturing company.
Regarding the robustness of the research methodology, the survey instrument
developed has been tested to have adequate reliability and validity. Hence, it may be
adopted for other survey studies related to quality management or as a self-assessment
With regard to the practical contributions, the survey instrument proposed here
allows practitioners to assess the level of an organization's quality management
against world-class MBNQA performance excellence criteria (modified) and also its
readiness to embrace a formal TQM program. The instrument can provide a baseline
measure for the extent of TQM practices that is in place at a company. Knowledge of
this baseline can be used to track progress and achieve continual improvement. It also
measures the distinct dimensions of quality management practices. This allows the
practitioners to concentrate only on those dimensions that require attention; thus
saving on overall resources.
8. Limitations and future research
The authors realize that there are some limitations, which must be considered for
future research. Firstly, business performance data were obtained from respondents
rather than organizations. Thus, the data would not be very reliable and the research
findings might have been biased to a certain degree. Secondly, the findings are based
on the use of self-administrated survey data, which may be affected by response biases.
It is difficult to determine through surveys whether respondents' attitudes to
self-assessment of TQM practices are pervasive or apparent. This study needs to be
followed by interviews of full-time employees from the sample. Finally, since the
company is the sole subject in this study, the results reported may not be generalized
for other situations or setting. This study was conducted in a preliminary phase in
exploring the issue which later could be expanded into a larger-scale research study.
Thus, future research may collect data from other regions, e.g. UK, other Asian
countries, and Europe, in order to have a more comprehensive study of the global
computer hard disk manufacturing industry.
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Keng-Boon Ooi can be contacted at:
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An initial survey on the use of
costs of quality programmes in
Maria Arvaiova and Elaine M. Aspinwall
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,
The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, and
David S. Walker
Birmingham Business School, The University of Birmingham,
Birmingham, UK
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the results of an initial survey on the
implementation of costs of quality (CoQ) programmes in the UK telecommunications industry and to
discuss the findings in the context of sustainable competitiveness.
Design/methodology/approach – A postal survey was employed in order to investigate the
breadth of use of CoQ programmes in the sector. A questionnaire was developed and distributed
across a sample of companies with a UK SIC code of "6400 Telecommunications".
Findings – The survey results revealed little interest in implementing such programmes in the
sector. The most frequently cited reasons were: having a costing system that is already capable of
monitoring quality costs; and not yet introduced to the concept of CoQ.
Research limitations/implications – The results presented are limited by two factors: the low
response rate; and the range of data gathered. Since the majority of the respondents were service
providers, the results could be indicative of this type of company only.
Practical implications – The survey findings indicate that training and education in quality
management should employ a more focused approach to the introduction of the concept of CoQ
Originality/value – To the knowledge of the authors the study presented is the first investigation
performed to determine the breadth of use of CoQ programmes across the UK telecommunications
sector. In addition, a new aspect of researching the capabilities of information systems in processing
CoQ data has been identified.
Keywords Surveys, Costs, Quality programmes, Quality programmes, Telecommunications,
United Kingdom
Paper type Research paper
Over the last decade technological improvements and globalisation has led to the
creation of a very dynamic trading environment providing many potential
opportunities, but hidden risks for companies. Management approaches and
techniques have emerged to guide companies to achieve sustainable growth and yet
remain competitive. These include value chain, risk and strategic management
supported by performance measurement, business process reengineering and the use
of balanced scorecards. A key factor that can influence market share is customer
satisfaction which can be achieved when an organisation is able to offer viable
products/services at competitive prices. Thus being able to quantify and analyse
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
CoQ in tele-
The TQM Journal
Vol. 21 No. 1, 2009
pp. 59-71
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/17542730910924754
quality related costs represents an important asset for companies since they can be
used not only as a performance measure but also as a quality improvement
prioritisation and cost reduction tool. As stated by Walker and Tobias (2006) managers
at present need to employ more quantitative approaches to help improve the clarity
and precision of their decision making. CoQ tracking can for example support this
Frequently cited contributors (Crosby, 1980; Feigenbaum, 1991; Juran, 1999) to the
field of quality have addressed this important aspect of ensuring competitiveness and
profitability by developing methodologies for managing quality related costs.
Companies from very different sectors have recognised and appreciated the use of
quality cost models evidenced in a number of research projects (Ittner, 1996; Hwang,
1997; Moen, 1998). The objective of the work discussed in this paper was to determine
whether the models developed in manufacturing industry, with a reported
implementation success in a variety of non-manufacturing cases (Carr, 1995; Bland
et al., 1998; Halevy and Naveh, 2000) were being implemented in the
telecommunications sector. As a research methodology a postal survey was chosen,
and a sample of UK based telecommunications companies were approached. The paper
briefly introduces the development and current status of the UK's telecommunications
industry. This is followed by a description of the survey preparation and realisation.
The survey results are then presented and the paper culminates with a discussion and
Telecommunications industry
Companies involved in the telecommunications' sector are operating in an environment
which is characterised by an extremely accelerated growth pattern both in
technological improvement and economic performance. Studies investigating the
expansion of the telecommunications sector and its convergence with broadcasting
and IT industries in the late 1990s tend to employ various approaches such as the
analysis of the vertical structure of the industry and competition (Krafft, 2003) and the
examination of performance shifts through changes in an organisation, regulation,
technologies and markets (Ulset, 2007). The former focuses on industry evolution
whilst the latter mainly concentrates on "changes in interface standards and other
capabilities connecting various operating activities" (Ulset, 2007). The two approaches
are analogous with the theories of competitive v. resource-based strategies where the
former takes into account the companies' external environment while the latter builds
on their internal capabilities (Adner and Zemsky, 2006). A recent case study in
telecommunications services (Ramirez, 2007) suggests that a firm's strategy on
deepening existing competencies and integrating new ones from outside is a key
challenge for high-technology companies along with a more open labour market for
"knowledge workers". As stated by Hamel and Prahalad (1990) individuals are those
around whom the skills must "coalesce" to establish core competences that do not
diminish with use. Stimulating research and development activities in the context of
skill formation is an aspect for which the best institutional setting, according to Porter
(1990), is when research institutions (governmental research centres and universities)
have tangible connections to industry.
The UK's telecommunications' industry is in many respects at the forefront of
related research and development; moreover, it has played a leading role in the sector's
market liberalisation across and outside Europe (see Table I). As a regulated industry
it falls under national communications regulators (i.e. OFCOM for the UK), and applies
the directives of the EU regulatory bodies.
Regarding the available sector specific quality management standards, TL 9000
provides a structured supplier measurement system (Hutchinson, 2001). Developed by
the QuEST Forum (Quality Excellence for Suppliers of Telecommunications) it
provides metrics for continuous quality improvement (Liebesman, 2000) and cost
reduction (Clancy, 2004). With regard to the successful implementation of CoQ models
in the sector, only two examples (Fruin, 1986; Thompson and Nakamura, 1987) were
found cited in a recent literature review on CoQ best practices presented by
Schiffauerova and Thompson (2006), which signals the possible rare implementation of
such models in this particular industry.
Monopoly -1982 The 1981 British Telecom Act separates BT from the
Post Office
Duopoly 1982-1991 1982: Mercury Communications becomes the second
fixed link network in competition with BT
1984: BT's privatisation (51 per cent of the
Government's shares sold)
The 1984 Telecommunications Act established
1985: First cable TV licence issued. Licences issued
to Cellnet and Racal-Vodafone to run competing
cellular networks
Limited competition 1991-1996 1991: Competition and choice: Telecommunications
Policy for the 1990s (a duopoly review – white
paper). End of duopoly policy
Allowed to run fixed networks in the UK. Cable TV
competitors can provide telecoms services in their
own right (not as agents of BT or Mercury)
1983: First post-duopoly PTO (Public Telecoms
Operator) licence issued
Open market 1996-1998 1996: International facilities liberalised (international
services opened up to competition)
1997: UK chairmanship of the WTO led to agreement
to open 69 WTO members' basic telecoms market to
Convergence 1998- 1998: European Union telecoms networks fully
1999: EU telecoms directives revised in order to cope
with the convergence of telecoms and broadcasting
2000: A new future for communications (white
paper). A proposal to bring UK communications
regulatory framework up to date with convergence
of telecoms and broadcasting industries
The 2003 Communications Act established OFCOM,
the regulatory body for telecoms, broadcasting and
Source: Adapted from Department of Trade and Industry (2001)
Table I.
liberalisation in the UK
CoQ in tele-
Objectives and selection of the survey method
Since the use of quality costs in the industry are so scantily documented, it was decided
to undertake a survey of UK telecommunications companies to determine the breadth
of use of such models, particularly focusing on the benefits and any difficulties
associated with their implementation. Hence a postal survey was conducted to
investigate why companies decide to monitor quality costs, what models are being
implemented in the sector and which methodologies are being used to support a quality
cost programme.
According to Sparrow (2006) large-scale random probability surveys provide the
best quality data for analysis. Even the more recent escalation of internet surveys with
their recognised advantages, have achieved a lower response rate than mail surveys
(Czaja and Blair, 2005). Moreover, a postal survey approach has been successfully
applied in many previous research projects (Prickett and Rapley, 2001; Sower and
Quarles, 2003; Sousa et al. 2005) associated with quality management, so it was felt to
be the most appropriate methodology for this particular research. A response rate of up
to 15 per cent was expected which would ideally generate sufficient data for analysis
and for drawing conclusions.
Questionnaire structure and its development
The survey instrument tends, to a large extent, to determine the range and type of data
collected. The form was divided into five sections. The first was designed to gather
general information (e.g. number of employees, annual turnover, business area) about
the participating companies. The second part of the questionnaire investigated
whether the respondent companies were certified to ISO 9001:2000 or to any other
management system. It also ascertained whether or not they measured quality costs. If
not, they were asked to indicate the reasons and were then directed to omit section
This third section was devoted to the CoQ programme implemented investigating
the reasons for its design, the models being used, the difficulties encountered, the
expected and achieved benefits and finally the perceived disadvantages (e.g. increased
documentation, duplicities in the costing system) associated with the programme. This
section was intended to provide a valuable insight into an organisation's CoQ
programme; however, bearing in mind the sensitivity of the area, no confidential data
were sought.
The fourth section was concerned with the company's general costing system and
whether or not it provided sufficient information to support the managers'
decision-making processes. Considering the fact that ISO 9001.2000 is strongly
process oriented a further question was added to investigate whether process costing
was covered by their system. In the last (fifth) section companies were asked whether
they would wish to receive a copy of the survey results, additionally they were offered
an opportunity to take part in the further stage of the research.
Piloting the questionnaire
Prior to the full distribution of the questionnaires a pilot survey was performed to
investigate the questionnaire's clarity and its suitability for the chosen sector. Twenty
telecommunications companies were selected from the FAME (FAME, 2006) database
for this purpose. Although a reminder letter was sent out the companies showed almost
no interest (one response only received) in completing them. A reason for this low
response was felt to be the inexperience with quality costs systems in this particular
Piloting questionnaires to experts is a common approach successfully used in cases
when the subject of the survey is not widely known (Wong and Aspinwall, 2005;
Prickett and Rapley, 2001). As most of the quality techniques/tools were developed
around manufacturing industry it was hoped that companies in this sector would have
the necessary expertise with CoQ tracking. It was decided, therefore, to contact
companies that were known to have some expertise in quality costs (Ito, 1995; Carr,
1995; Hwang, 1997). A selection of 21 was addressed generating two responses from
large car manufacturers and one from an electronics firm. The former were not willing
to participate (they had a policy of not completing questionnaires) the latter was a
branch of a multinational organisation (with reported expertise in Kaizen costing),
however, in this particular branch they were not involved in CoQ tracking. In spite of
the poor response for the pilot it was decided to proceed with the survey in the hope of
generating more responses from a larger sample.
Survey realisation
The selection process of companies for the full survey was realised in four stages. The
first was to choose as reliable and up-to-date a database as possible. The online version
of FAME (FAME, 2006) was found to satisfy these criteria. In the second stage
companies were categorised according to the nature of their business area and a peer
group list using the UK SIC code "6400 Telecommunications" was chosen. In order to
investigate companies of all sizes, the third stage was to classify them according to the
recommendation of the Commission of the European Communities (2003), which
resulted in 7031 small, 197 medium and 145 large companies (including holding
companies and numerous subsidiaries). The numbers were very promising in view of
the need to sample as large a group as possible in this survey. The last stage of the
selection process was to verify each company's status and identify and eliminate those
which were dormant, not trading, or had recently been acquired by other organisations.
Four hundred companies were finally selected. The addressee in each case was the
Managing Director, since it was believed that he/she was the person who could
forward the questionnaire for completion to the staff responsible for or who has a
general understanding of quality costs. The questionnaires together with a covering
letter were sent out in November 2006. Thirty-seven responses were received, of which
only 27 could be used for analysis purposes. The other ten respondents appreciated our
interest in their company but were unwilling to participate for various reasons
including not being involved in CoQ tracking and having a busy schedule and/or a
policy of not responding to survey requests. Follow-up letters were sent three weeks
after the initial distribution in an attempt to improve the response rate. This generated
a further six usable responses which increased the response rate to 8.25 per cent.
In order to investigate the reasons for the low response rate and to increase it if at all
possible, it was decided to undertake telephone interviews. Twenty large and medium
sized companies were randomly selected from the list of non-respondents and after
several attempts three were successfully contacted. The first (a former
telecommunications manufacturing firm) was now a retailer and so they were not
involved in quality costs. The second felt that the survey was not relevant to the
CoQ in tele-
business in which they were operating and the third had a policy of not responding to
surveys. Hence the response rate was not increased and the reasons for non-response,
as stated earlier, were confirmed.
Survey results
The results of the survey are presented using the question sequence adopted in the
Section 1 – General information
Seventy-nine per cent of the respondents were identified as SMEs (based upon their
number of employees) and 21 per cent as large companies. This proportion
corresponded quite well to that in the original sample (see Figure 1).
In terms of the business area in which the companies are active 58 per cent of the
respondents were telecommunications service providers, 12 per cent were involved in
developing and/or maintaining cable networks, another 12 per cent were involved in
telecommunications related computing, 9 per cent in radio communications and the
remainder were manufacturing, R&D and companies that did not identify their
business area.
Section 2 – Quality management approach
In terms of certifications (see Figure 2) one third of the companies indicated that their
quality management system was certified to ISO 9001:2000. Of these, one had an IIP
(Investors in People) certificate, another was working towards ISO 27000:2005
Figure 2.
Breakdown of companies
according to their attained
Figure 1.
Proportion of addressed
and respondent companies
according to their size
certification (Information Technology. Security Techniques. Information Security
Management Systems) and another towards ISO 17025:2005 certification (General
Requirements for the competence of testing and calibration in laboratories). Of those
respondent companies not certified to ISO 9001:2000, one was working towards ISO
20000:2005 (Information technology. Service Management) certification and one was
certified to IIP only.
In response to whether or not companies implemented quality costs programmes,
only one of the respondent companies (a service provider) did. It did not apply any of
the well known models (e.g. Prevention Appraisal Failure, Process Cost Model) but
indicated an alternative form of quality costing.
Regarding the reasons why companies did not implement quality costs
programmes, 39 per cent of the respondents stated that their costing system was
already capable of monitoring and providing data on quality costs, 30 per cent stated
that they had not yet been introduced to the concept of quality costs and 12 per cent did
not indicate any reasons. Three of the companies suggested that it was not important
to deal with such costs, two stated a lack of interest by top management in the quality
costs concept, and one believed that the return on investment in such programmes was
too low to consider their implementation. The above reasons correspond to those most
frequently cited in the literature; however, the level of importance differs. Sower and
Quarles (2003) for example suggested that the three most significant reasons for not
applying quality costs programmes were the lack of management support, the current
status (and economic conditions) of the company and the lack of knowledge of how to
track quality costs. Other survey findings (Prickett and Rapley, 2001) reported that the
technique of quality costing was not considered at all in the companies surveyed. Since
these two surveys received higher response rates (15.7 per cent and 42 per cent) their
findings are possibly more representative. However, it should be noted that the
majority of the respondents were service providers, and so may not be an appropriate
comparison to use. In addition, it is worth noting, that telecommunications companies
operate in a regulated industry with relatively strict pricing/costing regulations (e.g.
European Parliament and Council, 1997) which might result in their having to maintain
a more sophisticated and capable financial reporting system.
Section 3 – Quality costs programme
As has already been stated, only one of the 33 respondent companies (an ISO 9001:2000
certified small business) had implemented a quality cost system (using an alternative
approach without incorporating any of the well known CoQ models) for which the main
implementation reasons were to:
increase product/service quality;
achieve significant cost reductions;
prioritise improvement actions with the highest potential payoff; and
increase the company's competitiveness.
A major difficulty encountered during the setting up of the system was to identify new
quality improvement opportunities. Lack of top management support, cooperation
with other departments, identification of quality related activities, data collection and
analysis were surprisingly not rated as difficulties. It is important to note that this
CoQ in tele-
company considered their costing system to be capable of providing accurate data for
financial reporting, however, they have not yet been introduced to the principles of
quality costs.
Section 4 – Company's costing system
As can be seen in Figure 3 the respondent companies listed ABC as the most frequently
used costing approach. The FDC (Fully Distributed Costs) and the LRAIC (Long Run
Average Incremental Costs) costing methodology were used by 15 per cent and 6 per
cent of the respondent companies respectively. It is worth stating that the latter is
recommended by the Commission of the European Communities (1998) and is required
by most European regulators (ART – France, ODTR – Ireland, Ofcom – UK). In
addition, 24 per cent of the respondent companies indicated that their costing system
was harmonised with process costing, while 58 per cent were not; the remainder did not
respond to this question.
Section 5 – Survey results
Only six of the 33 companies requested the survey results, demonstrating the low level
of interest in quality costing in this sector.
The concept of CoQ tracking represents an inherent part of quality management and
its importance has been recognised over the last four decades, however, the
implementation of CoQ models seems to be more prevalent in manufacturing industries
and according to Schotmiller and Campanella (2007) their usage outside the USA is not
widespread. A literature review revealed only seven studies on quality costs surveys
(published between 1995-2007), all of which were conducted in manufacturing
industry, two in the USA, two in the UK, two in Australia and one in Brazil. Sower et al.
(2007) investigated the use of quality costs and its relationship to quality system
maturity addressing 2507 ASQ members which resulted in a response rate of 15.7 per
cent. Moen (1998) employed a survey methodology to determine the importance of
quality requirements across different customer groups of an X-ray film processor,
using small (less than 30) sample sizes and reported a response rate exceeding 80 per
cent. Prickett and Rapley (2001) examined the use of quality costs across
manufacturing industry in the North East of England, using a sample of 1,000
companies; achieving a relatively high response rate of 41.70 per cent through a
Figure 3.
Breakdown of companies
according to their costing
combination of postal and telephone surveys (postal replies 16 per cent, reminder
postal replies 9.9 per cent, telephone replies 15.8 per cent). Another example of a survey
on quality costs which focused on British manufacturing industry was found in Kumar
and Brittain (1995) who in contrast to Prickett and Rapley (2001) contacted (by post) a
relatively small sample of 200 companies (selected from the FAME CD-ROM database),
generating a surprisingly large response of 53.5 per cent. It is important to recognise,
that most of the above surveys with unusually high response rates were conducted in
the mid 1990s when, it is believed by the authors, less frequent use of surveys enabled
the researchers to report considerably higher response rates. A survey presented by
Mandal and Shah (2002) examined the breadth of use of quality costs' concepts across
Australian manufacturing firms in the form of a postal survey, addressing 365
manufacturing organisations, which resulted in a response rate of 36 per cent. Oliver
and Qu (1999) addressed 400 Australian manufacturing companies certified to ISO
9001, of which 136 responded. Miguel and Pontel (2004) in order to investigate quality
costs focusing particularly on external failures (warranty claims), addressed 35 Sao
Paulo based companies, achieving a response rate of 51 per cent.
The sample size used in the survey reported in this paper was determined using the
formula n ¼ s
presented by Burns and Bush (2003), Taking z ¼ 1:96 which
represents a symmetrical 95 per cent confidence level, e as 25 per cent which indicates
the desired accuracy (acceptable sample error) and the standard deviation, s as 1
estimated using their method resulted in a sample of 62 companies. Therefore,
considering a response rate of 15 per cent to be reasonable, this would require a sample
size of 400 companies. As stated earlier the response rate received was below the
expected so the results are indicative but not representative for the sector addressed. In
order to determine the presence of non-response bias the extrapolation method
presented by Armstrong and Overton (1977) was employed: earlier responses were
compared with the ones received close to the defined return date as well as with the
responses for the follow-ups. No significant differences were detected; therefore, based
on the method employed, it can be assumed that non-respondents would provide
similar answers to those received.
Comparing the responses received from certified and non-certified companies, the
frequency and the corresponding sequence of importance of cited reasons for not
implementing CoQ programmes were very similar. The most frequently cited reasons
indicated by both ISO 9001 certified and non-certified companies were: (i) already
capable costing system and (ii) have not yet been introduced to the concept of quality
costs. One possible reason why 39 per cent of all respondents answered that their
costing system is already capable of monitoring quality costs is the increasing use of
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems within small and medium size companies
(Sun et al. 2005) even though it has been the domain of large organisations (Huin, 2004).
Such systems were designed to provide "real-time resource accountability" integrating
a company's business units (Jacobs and Bendoly, 2003) using a shared foundation of
information (Davenport and Brooks, 2004).
"Have not yet been introduced to the concept of tracking quality costs" as the
second most frequently cited reason is surprising knowing the fact that quality
management related training and education tend to represent an inherent part of the
popular TQM perspectives (Powell, 1995; Douglas and Judge, 2001; El Shenawy et al.,
2007). Dale and Plunkett (1999) define quality costing as "one of a number of tools and
CoQ in tele-
techniques which an organisation can use in the introduction and development of
TQM" and so appropriate training/education in the field of quality costs might have
been expected considering the pervasiveness of TQM as a dominant management
strategy of last decades (Wayhan and Balderson, 2007). Furthermore, as concluded by
Reed et al. (2000), training and education should not be taken only as a means of
teaching skills but also as a tool that is "generating barriers to imitation", therefore,
enhancing a company's capacity to sustain their competitiveness.
The results of the survey presented in this paper are limited by two key factors, the low
response rate and the range of data collected. The 8.25 per cent response rate was
below that generally for postal surveys (22 per cent Yusof and Aspinwall, 2000; 24 per
cent Delgado-Hernandez and Aspinwall, 2005; 12 per cent Sousa et al., 2006), which did
not allow the results to be generalised. Only one respondent company did implement a
quality costs programme, whilst the other 32 did not. The two main reasons for not
implementing a quality costs programme, according to the respondents, were the
already capable costing system and the lack of knowledge about this field of quality
The discussion part of the paper provides a comparison of the survey results with
similar projects studied in a thorough literature review on quality cost models
implementation and investigates the respondents' views. The two key perceived
reasons for not implementing quality costs are discussed in the context of:
(1) the use of TQM principles; and
(2) the sustainability of organisational competitiveness.
Those ighlight the role of training and education in introducing cost reduction and
quality improvement methodologies.
Future research will address more telecommunications manufacturers in order to
investigate whether the implementation of quality costs is more frequent within such a
sector. This might be helpful in eliciting sufficient data for performing statistical
analysis which in turn would give the necessary rigour in drawing conclusions. In
addition, emphasis will be put into the examination of the information systems being
employed in CoQ tracking. This would not only allow a better understanding of the
barriers encountered in data collection and analysis but also would help to identify the
possibilities of integrating CoQ tracking into (or developing from) existing reporting
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CoQ in tele-
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Quality performance
measurement practices in
manufacturing companies
Ali Uyar
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Fatih University,
Istanbul, Turkey
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a survey study on quality
performance measurement practices in the Turkish top 500 manufacturing companies. The study
evaluates both financial and non-financial aspects of quality performance measures in Turkish
manufacturing companies.
Design/methodology/approach – The methodology of the study was a postal questionnaire
survey. The survey was conducted with the top 500 industrial enterprises in Turkey specified by the
Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ICI) for the year 2005. These firms are selected and ranked by ICI
according to production-based sales.
Findings – Two major findings of the study are: Turkish manufacturing companies utilize
non-financial measures more frequently than financial measures; and Turkish managers perceive
non-financial measures to be more effective than financial measures.
Research limitations/implications – The sample is restricted to the top 500 industrial enterprises
in Turkey. As the data in this study were collected from the manufacturing companies, the findings
should not be generalized to other sectors.
Originality/value – The study is unique in reflecting the general practices and perceptions of
manufacturing companies on quality performance measures across Turkey.
Keywords Quality management, Financial management, Manufacturing industries, Turkey
Paper type Research paper
In running an organization, performance measurement plays important roles, such as
translating strategy into desired behaviors and results, communicating these
expectations, monitoring progress, providing feedback, and motivating employees
through performance-based rewards and sanctions (Chow and Van der Stede, 2006).
For a long time, managers had primarily used accounting-based measures, which are
named as financial measures, to evaluate performance of organizations (Yeniyurt,
2003; Chow and Van der Stede, 2006; Paulson Gjerde and Hughes, 2007). Since using
financial measures has some limitations that will be explained in the coming section,
both scholars and practitioners were urged to develop non-financial measures.
However, instead of choosing either one, financial and non-financial measures should
be viewed as complementary to each other (Chow and Van der Stede, 2006).
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
The author thanks Necdet Sensoy, N. Gokhan Torlak, and John Taskinsoy for their valuable
help. The author would also like to thank the anonymous referees and the Editor of this journal
for their valuable comments.
The TQM Journal
Vol. 21 No. 1, 2009
pp. 72-86
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/17542730910924763
Measuring and accounting for the costs of quality are essential steps in total quality
management programs (Kettering, 2001, p. 16). This paper emphasizes the importance
of utilizing both financial and non-financial measures together in measuring quality
performance of organizations. The study provides an empirical evaluation of Turkish
manufacturing companies on utilization and perceived effectiveness of quality
performance measures. The results of this paper are especially beneficial for
practitioners, because the study presents a set of quality performance measures. In
addition, the paper contributes to the literature related to quality performance
measurement from an emerging market perspective. Hence, the study exemplifies the
applicability of the subject in developing countries as well as in developed countries.
The organization of the remainder of this paper is as follows. Section two provides
literature review about financial and non-financial measures of quality performance.
Section three presents scope and methodology of the study, and cites eight research
questions of the study. Section four assesses the results, and the final section provides
the concluding remarks of this paper.
Review of literature
Performance measurement is defined as the process of quantifying action, where
measurement is the process of quantification and action leads to performance
(Neely et al., 1995). The performance of organizations is traditionally measured by
methods based on accounting reports. However, in a changing business
environment these measures are considered inadequate. Therefore, organizations
have begun to use new performance measures (non-financial measures) other than
traditional measures.
The limitations of traditional performance measures are:
being too retrospective;
lacking predictive ability to explain future performance;
rewarding short-term or incorrect behavior;
providing little information on root causes or solutions to the problems;
not capturing key business changes until it is too late;
being too aggregated and summarized to guide managerial action;
reflecting functions, not cross-functional processes, within a company; and
giving inadequate consideration to difficult to quantify "intangible" assets such
as intellectual capital (Ittner and Larcker, 1998).
Although traditional measurement systems, which focus on financial outcomes,
translate and report all activities into dollars and cents, however, in recent years it has
become evident that looking at just financial measures masks many of the important
performance activities that are taking place behind the scenes (Shepherd, 2002). Those
organizations that are aware of this fact are beginning to utilize non-financial measures
along with financial measures from both manufacturing and service industries, such as
hotels, banks, and healthcare (Ballou et al., 2003; Phillips, 1999; Ittner and Larcker,
2003; Hussain et al., 2002).
Quality-based measures of performance focus succinctly on issues, such as the
number of defects produced and the cost of quality (Neely et al., 1995). In this context,
some cost accounting textbooks (Horngren et al., 2006) and related articles (Albright
and Roth, 1992; Kettering, 2001; Lin and Johnson, 2004; Carr et al. , 1997; Sjoblom, 1998)
cover the subject from the perspectives of financial and non-financial measures, which
are suggested to be utilized together in order to evaluate quality performance of a
business. The name of this approach is the balanced scorecard approach. The reason
for that is the balanced scorecard approach considers both financial and non-financial
aspects of the quality performance evaluation. Non-financial measures represent
information and analyses that are not expressed in monetary equivalents (Kettering,
2001, p. 16). For example, the number of reworked units, the number of material
inspections, and the number of customer complaints represent non-financial measures.
Carr et al. (1997), and Kapuge and Smith (2007) use "physical measures" and
"non-financial measures" interchangeably. On the contrary, financial measures
represent information and analyses in terms of monetary equivalents. While
measuring quality performance by utilizing financial measures, quality costs are
classifiable using a prevention-appraisal-failure (PAF) approach. Under the PAF
approach, conformance (prevention plus appraisal) and nonconformance (internal plus
external) costs are two major quality cost categories. This classification allows
practitioners; to compute the monetary equivalent of each quality cost item and total
quality cost, to make investigations about tradeoffs among quality cost items, and to
prepare trend analysis.
Horngren et al. (2006) use financial measures and cost of quality (COQ)
interchangeably. Furthermore, they argue that COQ and non-financial measures
supplement each other. Therefore, the integrated utilization of financial and
non-financial measures is advisable. The advantages of financial and non-financial
measures are explained in the following paragraphs.
Advantages of financial measures (COQ) of quality (Horngren et al., 2006:
COQ measures are consistent with the attention-directing role of management
accounting, and they focus managers' attention on the costs of poor quality;
total COQ provides a measure of quality performance for evaluating trade-offs
among prevention cost, appraisal costs, internal failure costs, and external
failure costs; and
COQ measures assist in problem solving by comparing costs and benefits of
different quality-improvement programs and setting priorities for cost reduction.
Advantages of non-financial measures of quality (Horngren et al., 2006, p. 669):
non-financial measures of quality are often easy to quantify and understand;
non-financial measures direct attention to the physical processes, and hence help
managers identify the precise problem areas that need improvement;
non-financial measures, such as the number of defects, provide immediate
short-run feedback on whether quality-improvement efforts are succeeding; and
non-financial measures, such as measures of customer satisfaction and employee
satisfaction are useful indicators of long-run future performance.
Kapuge and Smith (2007) state that although non-financial measures are increasingly
important in decision making and performance evaluation, copying non-financial
measures that others use may not work. Instead, the companies should link the
measures to the factors, such as corporate strategy, value drivers, organizational
objectives and the competitive environment (Kapuge and Smith, 2007). Albright and
Roth (1992, p. 16) emphasize the importance of financial data although non-financial
measures of quality such as the number of customer complaints and the number of
defects are important quality measures. They say that quality costs are one type of
financial data that cost management systems need to provide.
Kettering (2001) emphasizes that small firms can achieve benefits, similar to those
benefits which large firms achieve with their costly quality programs, by using
non-financial measures to identify and monitor quality. He says that the principle of
this simple approach is not to waste time and effort to report the data in monetary
equivalents, but to simply report the non-financial data and look for trends in the
The findings of three previous studies about financial and non-financial measures of
quality indicate that:
firms report financial measures of quality less frequently than physical measures
of quality (Carr et al., 1997);
most business managers prefer the use of non-financial quality performance
measures, while they comprehend and support for the COQ and other financial
measures with relative limitation (Lin and Johnson, 2004); and
companies implementing total quality management (TQM) provide more
frequent physical and financial quality measures than non-TQM companies
(Kapuge and Smith (2007).
A postal questionnaire survey was conducted with the top 500 Turkish manufacturing
firms. The list of these top 500 companies was obtained from the Istanbul Chamber of
Industry (ICI) Report for the year 2005. The ICI selects and ranks these 500
manufacturing companies according to their production-based sales revenue (Istanbul
Sanayi Odası, 2006). The questionnaire was adopted from the studies conducted by
Tansey et al. (2001), and Lin and Johnson (2004). The original copy of the questionnaire
was first prepared in English and then translated into Turkish to be sent out to the
firms. The responses were statistically analyzed using Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS) software and the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program. Out of those
top 500 companies, fifteen firms had declined to give out their names in ICI report. As a
result, other fifteen firms were added from the list of "Second Top 500 Companies".
Therefore, the total sample consists of top 500 manufacturing firms. The responding
firms are geographically dispersed throughout Turkey. Hence, the results of the study
are representative of the general practices and perceptions of quality performance
measures across the country.
The main purpose of this study is to explore the utilization frequency and perceived
effectiveness of quality performance measures (i.e. financial and non-financial)
amongst manufacturing companies. For further analysis, the following seven research
questions were prepared:
RQ1. Do Turkish companies utilize financial and non-financial quality
performance measures in the same frequency?
RQ2. Do Turkish managers perceive financial and non-financial quality
performance measures as effective in the same degree?
RQ3. Do listed and non-listed Turkish companies utilize financial quality
performance measures in the same frequency?
RQ4. Do listed and non-listed Turkish companies utilize non-financial quality
performance measures as effective in the same degree?
RQ5. Do International Organization for Standardization (ISO-refers to 9000-01)
certified and non-ISO certified Turkish companies utilize financial quality
performance measures in the same frequency?
RQ6. Do ISO certified and non-ISO certified Turkish companies utilize
non-financial quality performance measures as effective in the same degree?
RQ7. Do COQ system adopting and non-COQ system adopting Turkish
companies utilize financial quality performance measures in the same
RQ8. Do COQ system adopting and non-COQ system adopting Turkish
companies utilize non-financial quality performance measures as effective
in the same degree?
One hundred and two questionnaires out of the 500 questionnaires returned back to
me. Hence, the response rate of the research is 20.40 percent. When these 102 responses
are reviewed, most of the survey-takers are accounting/finance professionals (26
persons) and quality professionals (48 persons). Other respondents (22 persons) come
from various professional groups such as plant managers, chief executive officers,
production managers, and engineers. The remaining six respondents are from
unknown job specifications.
The average number of employees and average production sales per responding
firm are 1,388 and 333,027,602 TRY (New Turkish lira) respectively.
The classification of responding firms according to ISO certification ownership is
as follows: 84 firms (82.35 percent) have ISO certification, 15 firms (14.71 percent) do
not have ISO certification, and three firms (2.94 percent) did not respond to the
The classification of responding firms according to COQ system implementation is
as follows: 48 (47.1 percent) firms implementing, 49 (48 percent) firms not
implementing, and 5 (4.9 percent) firms did not respond to the question.
The classification of responding firms according to being listed or non-listed is as
follows: 29 firms (28.4 percent) are listed, and 73 firms (71.6 percent) are non-listed.
Results and analysis
Overall analysis
The respondents were asked about the utilization frequency and perceived
effectiveness of 11 financial and non-financial quality performance measures. Lin
and Johnson (2004) and Tansey et al. (2001) used these 11 measures in their studies in
the People's Republic of China previously. Five of these measures are financial, six are
non-financial. The listing of these 11 measures is below:
(1) Financial measures::
itemized quality cost reporting;
analysis of quality cost components;
quality cost budgeting and variance analysis;
comparison of quality costs to industrial standards; and
multi-period trend analysis of quality costs.
(2) Non-financial measures:
percentage of product reworks;
rate of material spoilage;
rate of defects in production output;
percentage of returned goods to total sales;
on-time delivery of goods or services to customers; and
total number of customer complaints.
The quality performance measures listed above are investigated according to two
aspects in this study:
(1) utilization frequency; and
(2) perceived effectiveness.
To investigate the utilization frequency of eleven measures, the survey questions were
evaluated with the alternative answers expressed in a Likert scale of 1-5, in which "1"
denotes "never use", "2" represents "once a year", "3" indicates "every 6 months", "4"
means "every 3 months", and "5" denotes "at least once a month". Table I lists the mean
scores and ranking order of the eleven measures of quality performance that is based
on utilization frequency of the responding firms. As a measure of reliability, the high
Cronbach a (0.86) shows that eleven items are internally correlated. Based on the mean
scores of those eleven items, the top 500 manufacturing companies most frequently
utilize the total number of customer complaints (mean ¼ 4:3) measurement, next by
the rate of defects in production output (mean ¼ 4:2), on-time delivery of goods or
services to customers (mean ¼ 4:1), rate of material spoilage (mean ¼ 4:1), itemized
quality cost reporting (mean ¼ 4:0), percentage of returned goods to total sales
(mean ¼ 3:9), percentage of product rework (mean ¼ 3:8), analysis of quality cost
components (mean ¼ 3 :1), quality cost budgeting and variance analysis (mean ¼ 2:8),
multi-period trend analysis of quality costs (mean ¼ 2: 7), and comparison of quality
costs to industrial standards (mean ¼ 2:1).
To investigate the effectiveness of measures, the survey questions were evaluated
with alternative answers expressed in a Likert scale of 1-5, in which "1" denotes "not
effective", "2" represents "slightly effective", "3" indicates "effective", "4" means "quite
effective", and "5" denotes "extremely effective".
Table II lists the mean scores and ranking order of the 11 measures of quality
performance based on effectiveness perceived by the respondents. As a measure of
reliability, the high Cronbach a (0.9) shows that eleven items are internally correlated.
The mean scores in the study indicate that the top 500 manufacturing companies
perceive non-financial measures more effective than financial measures. What is most
interesting is that the last four items in the utilization frequency ranking are also the
last four items in the effectiveness ranking.
In order to investigate whether or not financial (average of five financial measures)
and non-financial (average of six non-financial measures) quality performance
Quality performance measures based on
utilization frequency (Cronbach a ¼ 0:862) N Mean
SD Ranking
Financial measures
Fin1: Itemized quality cost reporting 84 4.0 1.53 5
Fin2. Analysis of quality cost components 79 3.1 1.66 8
Fin3. Quality cost budgeting and variance analysis 78 2.8 1.58 9
Fin4. Comparison of quality costs to industrial
standards 79 2.1 1.53 11
Fin5. Multi-period trend analysis of quality costs 77 2.7 1.70 10
Non-financial measures
Nonfin1: Percentage of product rework 85 3.8 1.65 7
Nonfin2: Rate of material spoilage 88 4.1 1.52 4
Nonfin3: Rate of defects in production output 85 4.2 1.40 2
Nonfin4: Percentage of returned goods to total sales 86 3.9 1.55 6
Nonfin5: On-time delivery of goods or services to
customers 84 4.1 1.46 3
Nonfin6: Total number of customer complaints 86 4.3 1.19 1
Notes: Fin ¼ financial disclosure items; Nonfin ¼ non financial disclosure items;
the mean score
is based on a Likert scale of: 1 ¼ never use; 2 ¼ once a year; 3 ¼ every six months; 4 ¼ every three
months; and 5 ¼ at least once a month
Table I.
Ranking of the quality
performance measures
based on utilization
Quality performance measures based on
perceived effectiveness (Cronbach a ¼ 0:90) N Mean
SD Ranking
Financial measures
Fin1: Itemized quality cost reporting 73 3.6 1.00 6
Fin2. Analysis of quality cost components 68 3.3 1.14 8
Fin3. Quality cost budgeting and variance analysis 66 3.1 1.14 9
Fin4. Comparison of quality costs to industrial
standards. 66 2.9 1.20 11
Fin5. Multi-period trend analysis of quality costs 65 3.0 1.17 10
Non-financial measures
Nonfin1: Percentage of product rework 73 3.5 1.13 7
Nonfin2: Rate of material spoilage 74 3.7 0.99 3
Nonfin3: Rate of defects in production output 73 3.7 1.07 5
Nonfin4: Percentage of returned goods to total sales 73 3.7 1.20 4
Nonfin5: On-time delivery of goods or services to
customers 72 3.9 1.01 2
Nonfin6: Total number of customer complaints 75 4.0 0.91 1
Notes: Fin ¼ financial disclosure items; Nonfin ¼ non financial disclosure items;
the mean score
is based on a Likert scale of: 1 ¼ not effective; 2 ¼ slightly effective; 3 ¼ effective; 4 ¼ quite effective;
and 5 ¼ extremely effective
Table II.
Ranking of the quality
performance measures
based on perceived
measures have significant differences in terms of utilization frequency and perceived
effectiveness, paired-samples t-test was conducted. The results indicated that the top
500 manufacturing companies utilize financial quality performance measures
significantly (significant at 0.01 level) less frequently than non-financial quality
performance measures, and also the same companies perceive financial quality
performance measures significantly (significant at 0.01 level) less effective than
non-financial quality performance measures (see Table III). These findings are
consistent with the findings of another study conducted over New Zealand
manufacturing companies (Carr et al., 1997). In the above study, the researchers
conclude that New Zealand manufacturing companies report financial measures of
quality less frequently than physical (non-financial) measures of quality. The
researchers suggest that possible reasons for this as the difficulty in quantifying and
the perception of lack of usefulness of financial measures in comparison to the physical
(non-financial) measures.
Subgroup analysis
The first subgroup analysis was conducted to determine preference over quality
performance measures dealing with perceived effectiveness.
Based on the study findings, business managers in Turkey perceive non-financial
measures more effective than financial measures. For further investigation of the
preference over quality performance measures by subgroups based on job
specifications, one-way ANOVA analysis was conducted (see Table IV). The
findings are that there are no significant differences over seven items; however, there
are significant differences among subgroups over the following four items. The
significant differences among subgroups, which were analyzed with ANOVA Duncan
statistical testing, are as follows:
(1) quality professionals perceive "analysis of quality cost components (significant
at 0.05 level)" more effective, compared to "others";
(2) quality professionals perceive "quality cost budgeting and variance analysis
(significant at 0.05 level)" more effective, compared to "others";
(3) quality professionals perceive "rate of material spoilage (significant at 0.05
level)" perceive more effective, compared to both accountants and "others"; and
(4) quality professionals & accountants perceive "total number of customer
complaints (significant at 0.05 level)" more effective, compared to "others".
Mean N SD Standard error mean t
Based on utilization frequency
Financial measures 3.0 81 1.31 0.15 2 6.00
Non-financial measures 4.0 81 1.19 0.13
Based on effectiveness
Financial measures 3.2 70 1.00 0.12 2 4.63
Non-financial measures 3.7 70 0.82 0.10
Significant at 0.01 level
Table III.
Results of the
paired-samples t-test for
financial and
non-financial quality
performance measures
Figure 1 depicts the comparison of perceived effectiveness of quality performance
measures by subgroups based on job specifications that range from 1 to 5, in which "1"
denotes "not effective", and "5" represents "extremely effective". When the perceptions
of quality professionals', accountants', and others' quality performance measures were
compared, quality professionals perceive these measures more effective than
accountants, and accountants perceive them more effective than "others".
In addition to subgroup analysis conducted based on job specifications of the
respondents, some subgroup analyses were conducted according to the following firm
Respondents' job type
Perceived effectiveness of quality Quality Accountant Others
performance measures by subgroups M R M R M R ANOVA
Financial measures
1. Itemized quality cost reporting 3.8 7 3.6 4 3.4 3 0.71
2. Analysis of quality cost components 3.6 8 3.3 7 2.7 8 3.15
3. Quality cost budgeting and variance
analysis 3.3 9 3.1 10 2.4 11 3.19
4. Comparison of quality costs to industrial
standards 3.0 11 3.2 9 2.7 9 0.57
5. Multi-period trend analysis of quality
costs 3.2 10 3.1 11 2.6 10 1.25
Non-financial measures
6. Percentage of product rework 3.8 6 3.3 8 3.2 7 2.27
7. Rate of material spoilage 4.0 2 3.4 5 3.4 5 3.18
8. Rate of defects in production output 4.0 3 3.4 6 3.5 2 2.22
9. Percentage of returned goods to total sales 4.0 5 3.6 3 3.3 6 1.53
10. On-time delivery of goods or services to
customers 4.0 4 4.1 2 3.6 1 0.96
11. Total number of customer complaints 4.2 1 4.2 1 3.4 4 4.13
Others group include the respondents other than accountants and quality professionals;
significant at 0.05 level; M ¼ Mean; R ¼ Ranking
Table IV.
Results of one-way
ANOVA analysis for
quality performance
measures based on
perceived effectiveness
Figure 1.
The comparison of
perceived effectiveness of
quality performance
measures by subgroups
based on job specifications
being listed or not;
having ISO certification or not; and
implementing COQ system or not.
According to the results of the independent-samples t-test, the listed companies
significantly utilize non-financial quality performance measures more frequently than
non-listed companies (see Table V).
The detailed item-by-item analysis indicates that the listed companies significantly
utilize the following three non-financial measures more frequently than non-listed
(1) percentage of returned goods to total sales (significant at 0.05 level);
(2) on-time delivery of goods or services to customers (significant at 0.05 level); and
(3) total number of customer complaints (significant at 0.05 level).
Figure 2 depicts the comparison of listed and non-listed companies based on utilization
frequency of quality performance measures. Perceived effectiveness ranges from 1 to 5,
in which "1" denotes "not effective", and "5" represents "extremely effective".
According to the results of independent-samples t-test, ISO certified companies
significantly utilize financial quality performance measures more frequently than
non-ISO certified companies (see Table VI).
The item-by-item analysis indicates that, according to the ISO certification
ownership, there are not much significant differences among firms. There are
significant differences only over two financial measures:
Figure 2.
Comparison of listed and
non-listed companies
based on utilization
frequency of quality
performance measures
Listed Non-listed
Quality performance measures N Mean N Mean t-test
Financial measures
25 3.0 60 3.0 2 0.52
Non-financial measures
26 3.9 63 4.5 2 2.59
Significant at 0.05 level;
average of five financial disclosure items;
average of six
non-financial disclosure items
Table V.
Results of the
t-test for listed and
non-listed companies
(1) itemized quality cost reporting (significant at 0.05 level); and
(2) quality cost budgeting and variance analysis (significant at 0.10 level).
Figure 3 depicts the comparison of ISO certified companies and non-ISO certified
companies based on utilization frequency of quality performance measures. Perceived
effectiveness ranges from 1 to 5, in which "1" denotes "not effective", and "5" represents
"extremely effective".
The results of independent-samples t-test showed that COQ system adopters
significantly utilize both financial and non-financial quality performance measures
more frequently than non-COQ system adopters (see Table VII).
The item-by-item analysis indicates that, according to the COQ system adoption,
there are significant differences over the following nine items (see Table VIII):
COQ system
system adopters
Quality performance measures N Mean N Mean t-test
Financial measures
47 3.6 37 2.1 2 6.23
Non-financial measures
47 4.3 41 3.8 2 2.03
Significant at 0.05 level;
significant at 0.01 level;
average of five financial disclosure
average of six non-financial disclosure items
Table VII.
Results of the
t-test for COQ system
adopters and non- COQ
system adopters
Figure 3.
Comparison of ISO
certified companies by
non-ISO certified
companies based on
utilization frequency of
quality performance
ISO certified Non-ISO certified
Quality performance measures N Mean N Mean t-test
Financial measures
72 3.2 13 2.1 2 2.67
Non-financial measures
77 4.1 12 3.6 2 1.26
Significant at 0.05 level;
average of five financial disclosure items;
average of six
non-financial disclosure items
Table VI.
Results of the
t-test for ISO certified and
non-ISO certified
Listed or non-listed ISO certification COQ system
Quality performance measures Listed Non-listed Certified Not certified Exist Not exist
by subgroups M R M R t-test M R M R t-test M R M R t-test
Financial measures
1. Itemized quality cost reporting. 4.3 6 3.8 5 2 1.28 4.2 4 2.5 7 2 3.00
4.4 3 3.3 7 2 3.21
2. Analysis of quality cost
components. 3.3 8 3.1 8 2 0.50 3.2 8 2.4 8 2 1.59 4.0 8 2.0 9 2 6.60
3. Quality cost budgeting and
variance analysis. 2.7 9 2.8 9 0.15 2.9 9 2.0 9 2 1.90
3.4 10 2.0 8 2 4.34
4. Comparison of quality costs to
industrial standards. 2.0 11 2.2 11 0.68 2.2 11 2.0 11 2 0.36 2.6 11 1.6 11 2 3.24
5. Multi-period trend analysis of
quality costs. 2.7 10 2.7 10 0.02 2.8 10 2.0 10 2 1.61 3.6 9 1.7 10 2 5.94
Non-financial measures
6. Percentage of product rework. 4.2 7 3.7 6 2 1.22 3.9 7 3.7 4 2 0.35 4.1 6 3.4 6 2 1.93
7. Rate of material spoilage. 4.4 5 3.9 4 2 1.49 4.2 5 3.3 5 2 1.38 4.4 5 3.7 5 2 2.02
8. Rate of defects in production
output. 4.5 4 4.1 1 2 1.04 4.3 2 3.8 2 2 0.83 4.4 2 4.0 1 2 1.25
9. Percentage of returned goods to
total sales. 4.5 3 3.6 7 2 2.65
3.9 6 3.7 3 2 0.38 4.0 7 3.7 4 2 0.90
10. On-time delivery of goods or
services to customers. 4.6 2 3.9 3 2 2.14
4.3 3 3.2 6 2 1.69 4.4 4 3.8 3 2 1.74
11. Total number of customer
complaints. 4.8 1 4.1 2 2 2.94
4.3 1 4.0 1 2 0.62 4.6 1 4.0 2 2 2.44
Significant at 0.10 level;
significant at 0.05 level; M ¼ Mean; R ¼ Ranking
Table VIII.
Results of the
t-tests in relation to
utilization frequency of
quality performance
measures by subgroups
itemized quality cost reporting (significant at 0.05 level);
analysis of quality cost components (significant at 0.05 level);
quality cost budgeting and variance analysis (significant at 0.05 level);
comparison of quality costs to industrial standards (significant at 0.05 level);
multi-period trend analysis of quality costs (significant at 0.05 level);
percentage of product rework (significant at 0.10 level);
rate of material spoilage (significant at 0.10 level);
on-time delivery of goods or services to customers (significant at 0.10 level); and
total number of customer complaints (significant at 0.10 level).
All these measures are utilized by COQ system-adopting companies more frequently
than non-COQ system-adopting companies (see Figure 4). The gap which shows the
differences in implementing financial measures is wider than the gap between
non-financial measures.
This study evaluates the extent whether the top 500 industrial enterprises in Turkey
utilize and perceive financial and non-financial quality performance measures as
The findings indicated that the top 500 industrial enterprises significantly utilize
financial quality performance measures less frequently than non-financial quality
performance measures (this result is consistent with Carr et al. (1997)'s study findings).
This situation can be explained by another finding of this study that the top 500
industrial enterprises perceive financial measures significantly less effective than
non-financial measures. Other possible reasons for this could be (Horngren et al. , 2006,
p. 669):
non-financial measures of quality are easier to quantify and understand; and
non-financial measures provide immediate short-run feedback on quality
improvements efforts.
Overall, the findings in relation to job functions showed that quality professionals
perceive quality performance measures more effective than accountants, and
Figure 4.
Comparison of COQ
system adopters by non-
COQ system adopters
based on utilization
frequency of quality
performance measures
accountants perceive them more effective than "others". It is more appropriate that
quality professionals should explain the significance of utilizing quality performance
measures to the other members of the organizations by due to the fact that this is their
According to the subgroup analysis, some significant differences were found on the
basis of characteristics of firms as being listed or not, having ISO certification or not,
and implementing COQ system or not. The results of subgroup analysis indicated that:
the listed companies significantly utilize especially non-financial quality
performance measures more frequently than non-listed companies;
ISO certified companies significantly utilize financial quality performance
measures more frequently than non-ISO certified companies; and
COQ system adopters significantly utilize both financial and non-financial
quality performance measures more frequently than non-COQ system adopters.
The study has some managerial implications as well. Today, almost every
organization engages in quality initiatives, which aim at increasing quality of
processes and products. Without performance evaluation, managers can not know how
much they are successful in achieving the targets. In addition, managers need to
evaluate performance in order to take corrective actions immediately. Therefore the
proposed financial and non-financial measures in the study are very useful tools for
measuring quality performance, and are recommendable to be utilized in a balanced
way. If organizations do not have experienced personnel to utilize those measures,
managers need to prepare required conditions for necessary training.
Although the study restricts the sample to the top 500 industrial enterprises in
Turkey and the findings resulting from the data collected from manufacturing
companies are not generalizable to other sectors, the study describes the general
practices and perceptions of eleven different industries on quality performance
measures across Turkey, evaluates the degrees of their successes and failures in their
respected industries, and examines the top 500 manufacturing companies in terms of
quality initiatives in Turkey.
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Corresponding author
Ali Uyar can be contacted at:
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Problems, success factors and
benefits of QCs implementation:
a case of QASCO
Salaheldin Ismail Salaheldin
Department of Management and Economics,
College of Business and Economics, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to attempt to: explore the problems that the production division
of Qatar Steel Company (QASCO) typically encounter in implementing QCs, identify the critical success
factors promoting QCs implementation and discern the real benefits of QCs implementation.
Design/methodology/approach – Data for this study were collected using a self-administered
questionnaire that was distributed to 400 QCs members within the five departments (i.e.
Manufacturing, Maintenance, Direct Reduction, Material Control and Technical departments) which
comprised the production division of QASCO. Of the 400 questionnaires posted, a total of 197 were
returned and used for the analysis.
Findings – The results of the study indicated that lack of support from top management was
reported as the biggest problem impeding the implementation, and also commitment and support from
top management were reported as the most important success factor of QCs implementation in the five
departments. More importantly, the findings indicated that QCs implementation has created an
atmosphere of cooperation within QASCO and produced many positive results including improving
quality, increasing productivity, and improving the management style.
Research limitations/implications – The sample is restricted to only a single division, i.e. the
production division of QASCO, so it would be strongly recommended that data be gathered from
various divisions of QASCO, i.e. replications of this study are required to generalize its findings.
Studying the deriving and inhibiting forces to QCs implementation in practice remains a task that
requires further attention from researchers, whatever their motivations .
Practical implications – The findings are important and relevant to all the departments in QASCO.
The study hopes to create more awareness among management and employees of the strategic
importance of QCs to operational processes. More importantly, the benefits attained would be a
motivating factor for managers to use QCs.
Originality/value – The research provides empirical insights to the growing body of knowledge on
QCs implementation. Most of QCs research has been done in developed countries. The study presents
the successful adoption and implementation of QCs in a manufacturing firm in a developing country of
the Middle East where published research results on the successful use of QCs have been rather scarce.
Keywords Quality circles, Critical success factors, Qatar
Paper type Research paper
The current competitive environment and globalization of business have created new
challenges that can affect and alter manufacturing environment. Therefore, adopting
and implementing new management techniques and approaches is a strategic option
for manufacturing companies that might help them survive under global competition.
One of the most popular management techniques adopted by organizations around the
world has been the Continuous Improvement (CI) which is thought to play an
important role in maintaining a company's competitiveness. CI generally takes account
of the activities performed under the names of Statistical Quality Control (SQC),
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
The TQM Journal
Vol. 21 No. 1, 2009
pp. 87-100
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/17542730910924772
Quality Circles (QCs), Quality Improvement Team (QIT), Six Sigma, etc. The significance
of QCs as one of the most effective means to Continuous Improvement cannot be over
emphasized (Zailani, 1998). Accordingly, more has been written about QCs technique
than any other technique about Japanese management during the past three decades.
There is a consensus among academics and practitioners that QCs implementation
leads to increasing productivity, improving product quality, narrowing the gap
between workers and administration, enhancing worker pride, allowing subordinates
to air their concerns about working conditions and instilling a spirit of democracy. The
results are a mutual trust and respect, an atmosphere of cooperation and the
attainment of a proud, productive, and profitable organization (Zailani, 1998; Goh,
2000; Canel and Kadipasaoglu, 2002).
However, review of the literature indicated that there are very few case studies
which explore and illustrate, in detail, how QC is implemented and used in
manufacturing firms whether in developed or less developed countries (Al-Khatib and
Radi, 2003; Salaheldin and Zain, 2007). In particular, there have not been any reported
studies of success in the use of QCs in any of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
countries. Responding to this need, the current study fills this gap and contributes to
the extant literature by reporting a success story of the effective use of the technique in
the State of Qatar, a member of the GCC countries. From previous research in this area
done in the Far East, USA and Japan, manufacturing firms in less developed countries
may not be in a position to benefit from their findings since they were based on a
different manufacturing environment.
Considering the literature findings, the following research questions are addressed
in this study:
RQ1. Do quality circles work equally well as in the Japanese, USA and Western
RQ2. If so, how can QCs be implemented successfully in Qatar?
To answer the aforementioned questions, this study attempts to explore the problems
that the production division of Qatar Steel Company (QASCO) typically encounters in
implementing QCs, to identify the critical success factors promoting QCs
implementation in the production division of QASCO and to discern the real benefits
of QCs implementation.
After this introduction, the profile of QASCO is presented followed by the review of
the literature pertaining to our study. Next, we present the contribution of this study to
current knowledge. This is followed by the research methodology. Next, we present the
data analysis and hypotheses testing. Finally, we provide conclusion, implications and
limitations and directions for future research.
QASCO profile
Qatar Steel Company (QASCO) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Industries Qatar (a
Qatari shareholding company) and is the first integrated steel plant in the whole
Arabian Gulf. The company was established on 14 December 1974, but steel
production at the plant started only in 1978. The mill is located in Mesaieed Industrial
City, 45 kilometers south of Doha, the capital of Qatar (Salaheldin and Zain, 2007).
The integrated plant consists primarily of four units: Direct Reduction, Electric Arc
Furnace, Continuous Casting, and Rolling Mill. Other auxiliaries include the Material
Receiving/Handling, Main Power Substation, Quality Control Centre, Maintenance
Shops, and other facilities as sea/fresh water, compressed air, natural gas and a clinic.
The whole plant including its administrative offices occupies a land area of
707,000 sq.m. Adjacent to the land is a further land area of 375,000 sq.m reserved for
future development and expansion of the plant.
With its latest production technology and equipment, the plant generates an annual
production of 1.2 million tons of molten steel and 740,000 tons of rolled iron per year.
The plant employed a total workforce of approximately 1,250 employees comprising 12
different nationalities. With the exception of the office staff, the mill is run on a
three-shift system. Since the start of its first production, the company has undergone
rapid growth and expansion and has achieved many milestones, certifications and
Over the years, QASCO has gained a reputation as a manufacturer of first class
products. Its product quality is tailored in accordance with international standards. For
example, in addition to getting ISO 9002 certification in 1992, the product and
management quality of the company has been endorsed by the UK-based Certificate
Authority for Reinforcing Steels (CARES), an authority which is accredited by the
United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to ISO Guide 65 (product certification)
and ISO Guide 62 (quality management systems certification using ISO 9001 (www., 14 October 2006). The product is supported by an effective and reliable
delivery and after sales service. Its proximity to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
countries enables it to supply a sizeable portion of the region's requirements, as well as
Qatar's own domestic need.
Review of relevant literature
QCs were defined by Ishikawa (1985) as "small group of workers, from the same work
place, who meet together on a regular, voluntary basis to perform quality control
activities and engage in self and mutual development". A QC is a team of up to 12
people who usually work together and who meet voluntarily on a regular basis "to
identify, investigate, analyze and solve their work-related problems" (The Department
of Trade and Industry, UK, 1992; Millson and Kirk-Smith, 1996; and Davis et al., 2003).
These people are trained to structure problem identification, evaluation, solution and
presentation stages and to use associated techniques such as Ishikawa's seven tools –
process flowcharting, histograms, check sheets, Pareto analysis, cause and effect
diagrams and control charts (Stevenson, 2007).
According to Piczak (1988), Harris (1995), Hill (1996), Pinnington and Hammersley
(1997), Olberding (1998), Goh (2000), Canel, and Kadipasaoglu (2002), Konidari and
Abernot (2006), and Stevenson (2007), among the potential advantages of QCs include:
increased self-confidence for both workers and staff, improved quality of product, Staff
are better motivated in QCs departments, staff are more productive in QCs
departments, customers are happier at QCs departments, saved time on operational
matters, saved money, increased staff satisfaction, increased empowerment , reduced
the number of errors in the department, improved the work environment, increased the
work accountability, improved organizational climate, improved the work integrity,
improved the management style and improved staff awareness of organizational goals,
meeting customer expectations and increased workers satisfaction.
An extensive review of the literature reveals that the successful implementation of
QCs programs require commitment and support from top management, commitment
and support from middle and first – line managers, circles members training,
involvement and support of employees, circles leaders training, and organizational
stability (Hill, 199; Pinnington and Hammersley, 1997; French, 1998; Goh, 2000; Davis
et al., 2003; Stevenson, 2007).
Although advantages of QC implementation are inspiring, possible negative
repercussions may occur. Various writers (e.g., Millson, and Kirk-Smith, 1996; Goh,
2000, Canel, and Kadipasaoglu, 2002; Konidari and Abernot, 2006; Slack et al., 2006)
have claimed that lack of support from top management, lack of involvement from
employees, lack of members experience with QCs, poor training/education on QCs, lack
of clear goals for QCs effort, lack of co-operation from middle management, lack of
financial and morale extrinsic rewards, lack of co-operation from first line supervisors,
circle members disillusioned with QCs philosophy, delay in responding to QCs
recommendations, circles leaders take long time to organize meeting and high labor
turnover (transfers, promotions, retirements, etc.), present obstacles to the successful
implementation of QCs programs.
Research methodology
Survey instrument
The survey instrument used in this study was largely derived from the literature
review. These include the adoption of questions from successful studies previously
conducted in related field of study such as: Hill (1997); Pinnington and Hammersley
(1997); Canel and Kadipasaoglu (2002); Zetie (2006). The questionnaire distributed
contained eight questions in four different categories as follows:
(1) Questions 1-5 – preliminary information on the respondent (i.e. title, work
experience, experience on QCs, specialization and QCs meetings).
(2) Question 6 – data on the critical factors promoting QCs implementation.
(3) Question 7 – data on QCs implementation problems.
(4) Question 8 – data on the benefits have been achieved.
The sample
Data for this study were collected using a self-administered questionnaire that was
distributed to 400 QCs members within the five departments (i.e. Manufacturing,
Maintenance, Direct Reduction, Material Control and Technical departments) which
comprised the production division of QASCO. The study focused on the production
division, since it has been a leader in implementing QCs in Qatar. Although one could
claim that a focus on one division may make the results less generalizable, we ensured
a high level of internal consistency.
It was requested that the questionnaire be completed by QCs members i.e. workers
and their mangers participating in the QCs implementation. Of the 400 questionnaires
distributed, a total of 203 questionnaires were returned after two follow-up. About 6
questionnaires were unusable because they had missing values. The overall response
rate was thus 49.25 per cent (197/400), which was considered satisfactory for
subsequent analysis. Care was taken to include the five departments which comprised
the production division in the sample. Consequently, the final usable sample was
drawn from all the departments as follows: 43 members from manufacturing
department, 34 from maintenance department, 38 from direct reduction department, 49
from material control department and 33 from technical department.
A majority of the respondents were workers (74 per cent), and approximately 26
per cent were managers. With respect to years of working with QCs programs,
approximately 72.3 per cent of the sample had used QCs programs for more than
ten years, and 27.7 per cent had used it for less than ten years. In terms of working
years in the production division 60.56 per cent of the respondents had worked for
more than 15 years, 28.14 per cent had worked in it between 10 and 15 years and
22.40 per cent had worked for less than 10 years. Finally, a majority of the
respondents indicated that they had met voluntarily under the leadership of their
supervisor on a regular basis, usually for about one hour every month or week (93.3
per cent), and the rest of the respondents (6.7 per cent) had met on a daily basis or
when there was a problem.
Reliability and validity of the instrument
The instrument was examined by Cronbach's alpha which is a widely accepted index
to indicate the reliability of the instruments. These coefficients are represented for each
of the constructs in (Table I). All scales have reliability coefficients ranging from 0.83
to 0.91, which exceed the cut-off level of 0.60 set for basic research (Nunnally, 1978),
and all the alpha values indicate that the study's instrument is reliable. Moreover, the
questionnaire was pre-tested to ensure that the wording and sequencing of questions
were appropriate and it was also validated (face validity) by 24 QCs members in the
production division of the QASCO.
Thus, in order to shed light on the perception of QCs members and their managers
concerning QCs implementation in the five departments which comprise the
production division of QASCO, the following hypotheses were set up:
H1. There is no significant difference between workers and their managers
participating in QCs programs in the production division concerning the
critical factors promoting QCs implementation.
H2. There is no significant difference between workers and their managers
participating in QCs programs in the production division concerning the
problems of QCs implementation.
H3. There is no significant difference between workers and their managers
participating in QCs programs in the production division concerning the
benefits obtained from QCs implementation.
H4. There is no significant difference among QCs members in the five
departments concerning the critical factors promoting QCs implementation.
H5. There is no significant difference among QCs members in the five
departments concerning the problems of QCs implementation.
H6. There is no significant difference among QCs members in the five
departments concerning the benefits obtained from QCs implementation.
Constructs Number of items Alpha
Factors affecting QCs implementation 6 0.86
QCs implementation problems 12 0.83
The benefits obtained from QCs implementation 15 0.92
Table I.
Internal consistency
coefficients of the study
Statistical analysis
Preliminary analysis was carried out in terms of frequency and means and it covered
respondent's profile, factors promoting QCs implementation, QCs implementation
problems and the benefits obtained from the implementation of QCs.
Procedures for testing H1 , H2 and H3. They were tested using the Mann- Whitney
test and the T-test (for double accuracy) to find out whether or not there is a difference
between workers and their managers participating in QCs programs in the production
division of QASCO.
Procedures for testing H4, H5 and H6. They were tested using the Kruskal Wallis
test and One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test (for double accuracy) to find out
whether or not there is a difference among QCs members participating in QCs
programs in the five departments.
To ensure that valid responses were representatives of the larger population, a
non-response bias test was used to compare the early and late respondents. x
show no significant difference between the two groups of respondents at the 5 per cent
significance level, implying that a non-response bias is not a concern.
Analysis and discussion
QCs formation at QASCO
The respondents were asked to identify how QCs were formed at QASCO. They
indicated that foremen were instructed, during the period from January to March of
every year to form QCs. The tasks of these circles are varied (technical or quality
improvement or cost saving or safety). A circle consists of a small group of workers (less
than ten workers) who do similar work or who are from the same work unit, and who
meet voluntarily under the leadership of their supervisors on a regular basis, usually for
about one hour every week or month. During these meetings the circle selects a problem,
analyses the causes (using Pareto analysis), recommends a solution to the management,
and after obtaining management approval, implements the solution.
Factors promoting QC s implementation
Workers and their managers participating in QCs programs were asked to identify
how important each of the following critical factors is that might promote QCs
implementation in their departments. Notably, commitment and support from top
management was reported as the most important factor, with a high level of agreement
between respondents about this (SD 0.21), that promote the implementation of QCs in
the production division of QASCO (Table II). To a large extent this result is similar to
Boaden and Dale (1993); Goulden (1995); Goh (2000); and Lagrosen and Lagrosen
(2006), where they found that top management support (i.e. providing the required
resources, offering some back-seat guidance if required, etc) is an essential factor to the
success and continuity of any improvement program such as QCs. This supposes that
when manufacturing firms engage in continuous improvement strategy, they must be
aware of the competitive benefits that can be derived from the impact of improvement
tools such as QCs on continuous improvement.
Moreover, it appears from Table III that the organizational learning was the second
important factor in promoting QCs implementation. This finding can be interpreted in
light of fact that QCs members will be exposed to new ideas, will expand their
knowledge of quality issues and will encourage them to think differently about the
nature of their gobs (Hill, 1997; and Goh, 2000). Accordingly, QC can be used as both a
quality tool and a knowledge management tool (Zetie, 2002).
On the contrary, Table III suggests that support from middle and first line managers is
not a major factor (SD 1.51) in promoting QCs implementation. This may stem back
from the fact that QCs programs at QASCO are embraced as a strategic approach for
improving quality and increasing productivity to remain competitive in the market
place, rather than as a technique in isolation or as a special activity or quick prelude to
TQM (Goh, 2000).
QCs implementation problems
Lack of support from top management was reported as the biggest problem impeding
the implementation of QCs in the five departments (Table II). This result may stem
from the fact that top-level managers have a better understanding of the needs of QCs
programs because they are the most cognizant of the firm's continuous improvement to
remain competitive in the market place. Moreover, they must commit the time,
personnel and financial resources to support the workers or middle managers who are
willing to participate in QCs programs.
Likewise, Table II shows that there is a consensus among respondents that poor
training/education on QCs (SD 0.21) is considered as one of the strongest problems
impeding the implementation of QCs. This supports the literature review concerning
the need to design QC education and training programs and which reflect the
Problems Mean score
A lack of support from top management 4.6 0.18
Lack of involvement from employees to be part of the circle 3.9 0.88
Lack of members' experience with QCs 3.5 0.25
Poor training/education on QCs 4.5 0.21
Lack of clear goals for QCs effort 4.4 0.30
Lack of co-operation from middle management 4.3 0.31
Lack of financial and morale extrinsic rewards 2.8 2.80
Lack of co-operation from first line supervisors 3.6 0.31
Circle members disillusioned with QCs programs 3.8 0.98
Delay in responding to QCs recommendations 4.1 0.33
Circles leaders take long time to organize meeting 3.7 1.08
High labor turnover (transfers, promotions, retirements, etc.) 4.0 0.39
Based on a Likert scale: 1 ¼ "weak problem"; 5 ¼ "strong problem";
the standard deviation
is used in order to state the degree of consistency
Table II.
QCs implementation
Factors Mean score
Commitment and support from top management 4.8 0.21
Commitment and support from middle and first-line managers 3.5 1.51
Circles members' training 4.4 0.26
Involvement and support of employees 4.1 0.31
Circles leaders training 3.7 1.43
Organizational learning 4.7 0.23
Based on a Likert scale: 1 ¼ "extremely unimportant"; 5 ¼ "extremely important";
the standard deviation is used in order to state the degree of consistency
Table III.
Critical factors promoting
QCs implementation
important ingredients of QCs implementation, the correct use of it and how QC
constitutes a form of knowledge and skills development to its members (Boaden and
Dale, 1993; Zailani, 1998; and Goh, 2000).
In contrast, the findings in Table II indicate that lack financial and morale extrinsic
rewards received a low level of agreement among respondents (SD 2.80). To a large
extent this result is similar to Boaden and Dale (1993), where they found that there is no
agreement in the literature about whether QCs members should be rewarded for their
membership of a QC or for successful improvements which result from the QC's
Benefits ob tained from QCs implementation
The respondents were asked to give their opinions about the benefits obtained from
QCs implementation based on a five – point scale, score "1" for strongly disagree, "5"
for strongly agree. Table IV shows that the highest ratings were given to increasing
productivity, improving product quality and increasing self-confidence for both
workers and staff which support the claim that the major reasons for implementing
QCs programs are, improving product quality, creating high level of enthusiasm,
saving costs, increasing productivity, allowing subordinates to survive a spirit of
democracy as well as enhanced worker pride (Zailani, 1998; and Canel and
Kadipasaoglu, 2002).
There is a big deviation among respondents about the effect of QCs implementation
on empowerment, as shown by the large standard deviation (2.63). In contrast, Zailani
(1998) and Canel and Kadipasaoglu (2002) reported in their studies that increased
empowerment is one of the major desired outcomes of QCs implementation. This result
suggests that QCs members in QASCO do not understand that the effective
implementation of QCs could lead to increasing the decision making direction of
workers and which is the proper mechanism to facilitate empowerment (Margulies and
Kleiner, 1995; Robbins and DeCenzo, 2005).
Benefits Mean score
QCs increased self-confidence for both workers and staff 4.7 0.15
Staff are better motivated in QCs departments 4.4 0.35
Customers are happier at QCs departments 3.8 0.68
QCs improved product quality 4.8 0.11
QCs saved time on operational matters 4.2 0.57
QCs increased staff satisfaction 4.5 0.23
QCs increased productivity 4.9 0.08
QCs increased empowerment 3.1 2.63
QCs reduced the number of errors in the department 3.5 0.23
QCs improved the work environment 4.3 0.48
QCs increased the work accountability 4.0 0.98
QCs improved organizational climate 3.9 0.07
QCs improved the work integrity 4.6 0.22
QCs improved the management style 3.6 0.81
QCs improved staff awareness of organizational goals 4.1 0.69
Based on a Likert scale: 1 ¼ "strongly disagree"; 5 ¼ "strongly agree";
the standard
deviation is used in order to state the degree of consistency
Table IV.
QCs implementing
Hypotheses testing
H1. It appears from Table V that there are no significant differences between workers
and their mangers participating in QCs programs concerning the critical factors
promoting QCs implementation (i.e. H1 is supported). This result is supported by prior
research that have noted that QCs programs can only flourish in an organization where
management is open to genuine two-way communication with the workers, where
there is a reasonably good level of industrial relations, and where there is a total
organizational commitment towards quality and productivity (Zailani, 1998).
H2. The results indicate that real differences exist between workers and their
managers participating in QCs programs with respect to two implementation problems
i.e. lack of clear goals for QCs effort and delay in responding to QCs recommendations
(H2 is relatively supported). Using Mann-Whitney and T-test to find out if these
differences are statistically significant or not showed the following findings:
The findings indicate that there are some respondents who pointed out that lack
of clear goals for QCs effort was not one of the problems that hinder the
implementation of QCs in the production division. This may stem from the fact
that the majority of QCs at QASCO meet on a regular basis whether or not there
is a specific goal for such a meeting i.e. some of QCs members felt that QCs were
running out of clear goals.
It appears from Table VI that delay in responding to QCs recommendations was
not regarded as one of the problems that impede QCs implementation based the
points of view of some of respondents. That is not surprising, because some QCs
members realize that the role of QCs is consultancy i.e. top management can take
into account their recommendations or ignore them.
H3. The results of Mann-Whitney and T-test in Table VII support H3, that there is a
consensus between workers and their managers that all benefits, except for one,
mentioned below have been achieved.
There is a significant difference between workers and their managers concerning the
impact of QCs implementation on improving the management style i.e. developing a more
participative style of management and increasing the departmental interaction. This
result is supported by the results of Zailani (1998), where she found that there was little
doubt that QCs programs have made a significant impact on the management styles and
organizational climate of manycompaniesin Malaysia.However,it is important to bearin
mind that one of the major tasks of top management is to influence the setting of
organizational values and develop suitable management styles to improve the firm's
Factors Mann-Whitney
Commitment and support from top management 0.812 0.641
Commitment and support from middle and first-line managers 0.562 0.352
Circles members training 0.934 0.613
Involvement and support of employees 0.141 0.100
Circles leaders training 0.426 0.273
Organizational learning 0.683 0.412
Notes: Based on a Likert scale: 1 ¼ "extremely unimportant"; 5 ¼ "extremely important";
Mann-Whitney and t-test;
significant at level 0.05
Table V.
Significant levels
(p values) for the
differences between
workers and their
managers concerning
factors promoting QCs
H4. The results of Kruskal Wallis and ANOVA in Table VIII clearly support H4, that
there is a consensus among QCs members in the five departments that all critical
factors mentioned below are regarded as forces that promote the implementation of
QCs programs in manufacturing firms. This result suggests that manufacturing firms
can have successful QCs programs only if they can get the relevant management
support, the support of middle and first line managers and the proper training on QCs
for both workers and managers.
H5. It appears from Table IX that real differences exist between QCs members in
the five departments with respect to two problems that impede QCs implementation
scored by the respondents (i.e. the results provide only partial support for H5). Using
Kruskal Wallis and ANOVA to find out if these differences are statistically significant
or not showed the following findings:
Problems Mann-Whitney
A lack of support from top management 0.841 0.632
Lack of involvement from employees to be part of the circle 0.436 0.263
Lack of members' experience with QCs 0.461 0.241
Poor training/education on QCs 0.681 0.432
Lack of clear goals for QCs effort 0.001
Lack of co-operation from middle management 0.312 0.142
Lack of financial and moral extrinsic rewards 0.345 0.211
Lack of co-operation from first-line supervisors 0.156 0.096
Circle members disillusioned with QCs programs 0.213 0.167
Delay in responding to QCs recommendations 0.021
Circles leaders take long time to organize meeting 0.421 0.263
High labor turnover (transfers, promotions, retirements, etc.) 0.659 0.369
Notes: Based on a Likert scale: 1 ¼ "weak problem"; 5 ¼ "strong problem";
using Mann-Whitney
and T-test;
significant at level 0.05
Table VI.
Significant levels
(p values) for the
differences between
workers and their
managers concerning
QCs implementation
Benefits Mann-Whitney
QCs increased self-confidence for both workers and staff 0.592 0.298
Staff are better motivated in QCs departments 0.345 0.245
Customers are happier at QCs departments 0.463 0.234
QCs improved product quality 0.642 0.359
QCs saved time on operational matters 0.591 0.361
QCs increased staff satisfaction 0.367 0.210
QCs increased productivity 0.532 0.412
QCs increased empowerment 0.436 0.299
QCs reduced the number of errors in the department 0.534 0.325
QCs improved the work environment 0.328 0.198
QCs increased the work accountability 0.538 0.301
QCs improved organizational climate 0.732 0.467
QCs improved the work integrity 0.347 0.214
QCs improved the management style 0.008
QCs improved staff awareness of organizational goals 0.423 0.225
Notes: Based on a Likert scale: 1 ¼ "strongly disagree"; 5 ¼ "strongly agree";
using Mann-Whitney
and t -test;
significant at level 0.05
Table VII.
Significant levels
(p values) for the
differences between
workers and their
mangers regarding the
benefits obtained from
QCs implementation
It appears from Table IX that lack of financial and morale extrinsic rewards is
not regarded as one of the problems that inhibits QCs implementation based on
the points of view of some of the respondents. That is not surprising, because QC
is a great opportunity provided by the management for those workers who want
to contribute, albeit voluntarily, to something towards the betterment of the
organization (Zailani, 1998).
The findings indicate that some QCs members pointed out that circles leaders
take long time to organize meeting is not one of the problems that hinder the
implementation of QCs in QASCO. This may stem from the fact that QCs
members and their supervisors meet on a regular basis, usually for about one
hour every week or month.
H6. The results of Kruskal Wallis and ANOVA in Table X support H6, that there is a
consensus among QCs members in the five departments that all benefits mentioned
below are regarded as the benefits have been achieved as a result of QCs
implementation by the five departments.
This result is consistent with the previous literature that indicated that serious
benefits from the QCs programs have been clearly demonstrated, not only in terms of
the ability of the QC members to identify and eliminate problems, but also in terms of
Problems ANOVA
A lack of support from top management 0.341 0.373
Lack of involvement from employees to be part of the circle 0.453 0.455
Lack of members' experience with QCs 0.250 0.271
Poor training/education on QCs 0.540 0.550
Lack of clear goals for QCs effort 0.131 0.143
Lack of co-operation from middle management 0.244 0.287
Lack of financial and moral extrinsic rewards 0.001
Lack of co-operation from first line supervisors 0.326 0.337
Circle members disillusioned with QCs programs 0.230 0.250
Delay in responding to QCs recommendations 0.124 0.135
Circles leaders take long time to organize meeting 0.004
High labor turnover (transfers, promotions, retirements, etc.) 0.421 0.441
Notes: Based on a Likert scale: 1 ¼ "weak problem"; 5 ¼ "strong problem";
using Kruskal-Wallis
and One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA);
significant at level 0.05
Table IX.
Significant levels
(p values) for the
differences among the
five departments
concerning QCs
implementation problems
Factors ANOVA
Commitment and support from top management 0.471 0.393
Commitment and support from middle and first-line managers 0.144 0.146
Circles members training 0.375 0.396
Involvement and support of employees 0.213 0.215
Circles leaders training 0.141 0.164
Organizational learning 0.621 0.451
Notes: Based on a Likert scale: 1 ¼ "extremely unimportant"; 5 ¼ "extremely important";
Kruskal-Wallis and One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA);
significant at level 0.05
Table VIII.
Significant levels
(p values) for the
differences among the
five departments
concerning factors
promoting QCs
the increased readiness of the QC members to overcome future quality problems and
the possibility of advancement in the organization, increased productivity, increased
job satisfaction and increased employees involvement, (Dean and Bowen,1994;
Olberding, 1998; Zailani, 1998; and Konidari and Abernot, 2006).
Conclusion, managerial implications, and contribution to current
It is evident from the above data analysis that QCs implementation has helped the
production division of QASCO in improving product quality, increasing productivity,
improving organizational climate and improving working relationship among staff
within the five departments and may boost the demand for QASCO products in
international markets.
Many believe that QCs are only successful in electronics industry, while others
suggest that they can be successful only in Japanese and American companies. It is
true that many of the early successful circles were established in electronics companies
due to the labour intensive nature of their operations. However, the practical example
given within this paper clearly proves that QCs programs can be successfully
implemented in steel industry in developing countries as in the Japanese, USA and
Western companies. More importantly, our findings indicated that manufacturing
firms can have successful QC only if there is a total organizational commitment i.e. top
management support, middle management support and employees involvement,
towards improving product quality and increasing productivity.
One of the most precious lessons brought about by QCs implementation is that
creative and problem-solving talents are not the monopoly of managers, but workers at
the operative level are also capable of providing great ideas. Managers should perceive
that there is a need for all employees to work in teams, and to measure and chart out
the quality of their own work in order to enable them to identify and solve quality
problems and to eventually enhance its manufacturing operations.
Training became the heart of quality improvement. Therefore, improving workers'
skills and quality consciousness and supporting the use of problem – solving tools
through enhancing training programs is important for QCs implementation. Policy
Benefits ANOVA
QCs increased self-confidence for both workers and staff 0.401 0.420
Staff are better motivated in QCs departments 0.221 0.234
Customers are happier at QCs departments 0.424 0.436
QCs saved time on operational matters 0.161 0.215
QCs increased staff satisfaction 0.153 0.177
QCs increased empowerment 0.213 0.267
QCs reduced the number of errors in the department 0.211 0.231
QCs improved the work environment 0.513 0.571
QCs increased the work accountability 0.612 0.623
QCs improved organizational climate 0.241 0.250
QCs improved the work integrity 0.312 0.324
QCs improved the management style 0.513 0.583
QCs improved staff awareness of organizational goals 0.424 0.431
Notes: Based on a Likert scale: 1 ¼ "strongly disagree"; 5 ¼ "strongly agree";
using Kruskal-Wallis
and One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA);
significant at level 0.05
Table X.
Significant levels
(p values) for the
differences among the
five departments
concerning the benefits
obtained by QCs
makers should realize that QCs are not appropriate for everyone. Accordingly, they
have to consider its pros and cons before its implementation.
This study makes several important contributions. Notably, it helps to provide
important ideas and insights to academics and practitioners for undertaking a deeper
investigation into the impact of QCs implementation on continuous improvement of
manufacturing firms.
This study is one of the few that provides a structured overview of the state-of-
the-art of the adoption and implementation of QCs in a manufacturing firm in
developing countries where published research results on the use of QCs have been
rather scarce. Such studies are equally important in a global context. It helps illustrate
that operations management is not just technical problems but also deals with
behavioral issues such as team work and quality circles.
Finally, the current study is distinguished from previous studies in investigating
the holistic benefits obtained from QCs implementation. Moreover, the results of this
study provide recognition for the importance of QCs implementation in increasing
productivity and improving product quality.
Research limitations and recommendations for future research
Despite the interesting results of this research, several limitations need to be
emphasized. First, the study considered data from a single informant i.e. the production
division of QASCO. Although the use of single informants is widespread in operations
research, using multiple informants creates better quality data and achieves an
external validity (Hogarth, 1978; Hill, 1982). Therefore, replications of this study are
required to generalize its findings.
Second, the data on QCs implementation benefits were based on the respondents'
perceptions and not on hard data. Objective measures of QCs benefits could provide a
better test of the proposed hypothesis concerning QCs implementation benefits.
Third, developing a deeper understanding of the deriving and inhibiting forces to
QCs implementation in practice remains a task that requires further attention from
researchers, whatever their motivations.
Finally, the role of organizational culture is not considered. Possibly, different
organizational cultures affect how can QCs programs be implemented? Further, research
can study the effect of organizational culture on this relationship in more depth.
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Salaheldin Ismail Salaheldin can be contacted at:
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The TQM philosophy and the economic downturn
Article Type: Editorial From: The TQM Journal, Volume 21, Issue 1
At the time of writing the world's banking and financial systems are in turmoil and we could be facing a
global economic recession on a scale not seen for generations. In order to combat this downturn many
organisations will resort to downsizing or as it has been variously called, redundancy, right-sizing,
delayering, shedding, sacking, firing, paying-off, laying-off, restructuring, axing, cutting or re-
engineering. Whatever the term used the result is a reduction in the numbers of people employed by
organisations based on a deliberate decision by senior management.
Quality goods and services are delivered by people to people for people. It is people that have allowed the
organisation to acquire wealth and prosper. However, at the least sign of a downturn in profits the typical
knee-jerk reaction of many organisations is to reduce costs to appease shareholders. The easiest way to do
that quickly is to lay-off employees or close plants and outlets that are not making large enough profits.
Tom Peters argues that sacking someone is awful because you are messing up their lives in a "big-league"
way, even if it is for the long-term good. If this is the case for individuals then the consequences of a plant
closure must be much worse in terms of the economic and human consequences to the employees, the
company, the community and even the country.
The TQM philosophy is simple. Instead of focusing on cost cutting exercises such as downsizing TQM
organisations should concentrate on revenue enhancing efforts. The quality gurus recognised the
importance of reducing costs, but the "Gold in the mine" that Joseph Juran enthused about was associated
with reducing the costs of poor quality in order to increase profitability. This is much more difficult to
achieve with regards to time and effort than the reduction of costs by reducing the head count of a
company, and as Phil Crosby pointed out "Quality is free but not a gift". For many companies mass
redundancy is the easier option but this goes against the TQM philosophy that views people as an
organisation's number one asset. Let us hope that in the 21st century organisations' do not have a cavalier
approach to the way they treat their people and that they will take the time and effort to find alternatives
to cost reduction other than downsizing.
Alex Douglas
... An interesting example of strategic implementation is represented by the use of RM as an essential and formalised process to integrate the ISO 13485:2003 quality management system in SMEs (Hamimi Abdul Razak et al., 2009). RM can be seen as a guarantee for the effectiveness and rigour when implementing the standard. ...
... RM can be seen as a guarantee for the effectiveness and rigour when implementing the standard. Hence, that has a crucial and strategic impact on the company, also in terms of reputation (Hamimi Abdul Razak et al., 2009). Even in the case of the SOBANE risk prevention strategy (Malchaire, 2004), the implementation of a simple model was supposed to have a fundamental role in the development of a dynamic plan of RM, communication and risk culture. ...
... threshold values for emissions), many other risk levels are normally defined by considering the cost for RM activities and acceptable costs for repair. Companies need trained and knowledgeable employees and aids by consultants if they want the implementation of the process to be much smoother and effective (Hamimi Abdul Razak et al., 2009;Hudin & Hamid, 2014;Malchaire, 2004;Oncioiu, 2014). According to that, a sample of SMEs in the greenfield, in which an occupational health and safety system was implemented, proposed a strategic risk approach to enhance sustainability issues and quality management in the adoption of ISO Quality Management standards. ...
The purpose of this paper is two-fold: to reconsider the fundamental role of risk management (RM) in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by identifying and critically analysing the most important international works; and to define opportunities for further studies by suggesting a different approach to study the topic. This research is based on a new hybrid method developed by the authors, called Advanced, Reasoned and Organised (ARO) literature review, which improves the quality of literature reviews by integrating the systematic review for quantitative papers, the meta-synthesis for qualitative research and the critical interpretative analysis. Forty-eight articles were included in the literature review. Bibliometric and cluster analyses were carried out. Two hypotheses were applied as filters in the interpretative synthesis of the content and guided the analysis to answer two research questions. The findings underline that RM in SMEs is still a 'spot' subject as they put little effort into the risk identification, assessment and monitoring. The lack of procedures and strategies is due to the lack of risk mindfulness and knowledge, and it is related to the managers' and owners' risk attitudes. It is fundamental to understand why risk procedures are not implemented and to find a way to raise awareness of the potential benefits of risk and control measures. The topic is current, and the multidisciplinary perspective and mixed-method approach enhance both theoretical and practical contributions for academics and SME owners.
... ISO 13485:2003 refers to ISO 14971, a standard for medical device risk management, recommending it as complementary and a sometimes obligatory item to be included in the management system. Although it is not required in some countries, it is strongly recommended that organizations take its applicability or relevance into account before developing their own risk evaluation process (Westgard, 2013, Ullmann et al., F o r P e e r R e v i e w , Troschinetz, 2010, Razak et al., 2009. ...
... The adoption of RDC No. 59 is compulsory, while ISO 13485 is an exporting requirement in many countries, in addition to the hardships companies face getting certified, compliance with such standards is seen as a mere notarial aspect, which does not correspond to the reality of managing manufacturing systems. These initiatives should create real value for developing an integrated management system (Bernardo et al., 2012, Razak et al., 2009. ...
... Bell and Omachonu (2011) comment that few quality system researchers target the implementation process for analysis. Implementation is also receiving attention from medical device manufacturers, as can be seen in the work of Luczak (2012) and Razak et al. (2009), which provides guidelines for QMS adoption, implementation and use. This paper adopts the "Cambridge Process or Engineering Approach" for systematizing the implementation process. ...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop and test a quality management system (QMS) implementation process for a medical devices manufacturer, which are covered by ISO 13485:2007 and RDC No. 59:2000 and based on operations strategy content definitions. Design/methodology/approach – The research strategy is based on the Cambridge approach which is supported by action research techniques for producing "application" processes. This research strategy is also known as the "Process Approach" or "the Engineering Approach" and was developed in the mid-1990s by researchers from the "Institute for Manufacturing" (IFM/University of Cambridge). Findings – The results reveal how real conditions "shape" implementation, indicating solutions for integrating procedures for performance and control indicators that represent manufacturing strategy objectives. The regulatory framework and the manufacturing environment offer these real conditions. The operations strategy that is underlying implementation shows how to reconcile regulation and strategy through its content. Research limitations/implications – The developed process can be improved by increasing the number of test cases until they bring no new contributions for its evolution. However, because it is a long-term and complex implementation process, the present research was concluded with a full understanding of process development. Practical implications – The QMS implementation process based on the Cambridge Engineering approach creates several opportunities for discussing QMS design requirements, but also in testing procedures for quality policy deployment. Learning by doing is a practical contribution of the process as a participative component effectively applied in different moments at the mentioned workshops – WSH. The logical organization of the QMS implementation process shows causalities among manufacturing strategy, QMS and performance measurements, creating strategic coherence among the connected elements. Originality/value – Although many studies had approached the QMS implementation, few of them actually addressed the system integration with the business strategic objectives. None of the studies to date related the implementation to the ISO 13485:2003 and the RDC No. 59.
... Therefore, to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, the challenge for manufacturers is to determine which information technology (IT) and software systems need to be validated and how much validation is appropriate (McDowall, 2005;Hrgarek, 2008). While larger companies in general have sufficient resources to outsource CSV to external service providers, the implementation and application of CSV in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is often tedious and complicated due to limited resources, e.g., lack of human resources or insufficient financial resources (Razak et al., 2009;Buschfeld et al., 2011). ...
... 829, they cannot always reflect the existing diversity of industries, size differences, or special requirements of, in particular, small and medium-sized medical device manufacturers. In addition, the implementation of these directives in SMEs is often hampered by limited resources, such as the lack of existing staff capacities or insufficient funding (Nguyen, 2009;Razak et al., 2009;Buschfeld et al., 2011). With regard to the aforementioned key problem, the following research questions are to be answered within the scope of this research: ...
The medical device industry in Europe is one of the sectors actively regulated by directives. Medical device manufacturers face the challenge of implementing the statutory regulations. In the context of current trends regarding the digitalization of enterprises, among other things, a focus is on the computer system validation (CSV). The present research shows why the CSV in the medical device industry is necessary, which different validation approaches exist, and which tasks and activities are to be carried out within the CSV. One focus of this research is the critical consideration of the problems associated with CSV for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). As a result of this research, it can be stated that the identified literature sources are very homogeneous, and the validation approaches do not show any significant differences.
... 829, however, these cannot always reflect the existing diversity of industries, size differences, or special requirements of, in particular, small and medium-sized medical device manufacturers. In addition, the implementation of these directives in SMEs is often hampered by limited resources, such as the lack of existing staff capacities or insufficient funding (Nguyen, 2009;Razak et al., 2009;Buschfeld et al., 2011). With regard to the aforementioned key problem, the following research questions are to be answered within the scope of this research: ...
The medical device industry in Europe is one of the sectors actively regulated by directives. Medical device manufacturers face the challenge of implementing the statutory regulations. In the context of current trends regarding the digitalization of enterprises, among other things, a focus is on the computer system validation (CSV). The present research shows why the CSV in the medical device industry is necessary, which different validation approaches exist, and which tasks and activities are to be carried out within the CSV. One focus of this research is the critical consideration of the problems associated with CSV for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). As a result of this research it can be stated that the identified literature sources are very homogeneous, and the validation approaches do not show any significant differences.
- Hanuv Mann
- Nehul Gullaiya
The alignment of strategic sustainability goals can be very challenging for industries where stringent product requirements restrict the ability to innovate environmentally friendly alternatives. This case studies an instance of medical equipment being designed to increase functionality and decrease disposability, creating greater utility. The primary outcome of this research is a demonstration that cost is not prohibitive when introducing reusable medical tools and equipment when innovative solutions satisfy stringent standards and can provide superior functionality.
The medical device industry is one of the important industries in the world, which is now growing rapidly with an estimated market growth rate of about 10 percent annually. In 2012, the value of global market for medical devices was USD307.7 billion, while the market in Malaysia is expected to grow by 15.9 percent annually and reached USD2.8 billion by the year 2017. There are more than 180 manufacturers of medical devices in Malaysia involved in the production of sophisticated products such as orthopedic products, surgical instruments and dialysis machines. Recently, local companies experience the trend towards complying with internationally recognized quality standards such as ISO13485 as an attempt to penetrate the global market. However, there is a religious need to provide medical devices that are certified halal in order to cater to the needs of Muslim consumers who make up 64.3% of the Malaysian population. Therefore, this article will discuss the trend of medical device industry in Malaysia, recommendations and challenges in the development of halal medical devices. The article focuses on the application of surgical sutures that frequently implanted in the human body compared with other medical devices. This study discovers that there are two major challenges in the medical device industry namely, (i) lack of law on halal which specifically subjected to the medical devices, and (ii) halal aspect is not mentioned in the present medical device standard to guarantee the quality of products in order to compete globally.
The paper explores the perceptions of different dimensions of product quality that managers in the US and Asian manufacturing firms may have and investigates some of the implications of these differences. Survey data analyzed using factor analytic methodology to develop "quality inventory". Firms were then classified into two groups using the condensed quality dimensions (factors) as the set of predicted variables with the purpose of investigating if the two groups differ. Finally, several hypotheses relating to the question of how managers perceive product quality are tested. Quality attitudes in the two groups appear to be more similar than dissimilar. However, there are some differences on views of how quality is operationalized.
The Basics of Reliability Reliability The Concept of Failure The Product Design and Development Process The Concept Phase Defining the Device Safety and Risk Management Documents and Deliverables The Feasibility Phase The FDA The Medical Devices Directives Important Medical Device Standards Human Factors Requirements Engineering Liability Intellectual Property The Project Team The Reliability Goal and Plan Documents and Deliverables The Design Phase Hardware Design Hardware Risk Analysis Design and Project Metrics Design for Six Sigma Software Design Software Coding Software Risk Analysis Software Metrics Documents and Deliverables Verification and Validation The Basis and Types of Testing Hardware Verification and Validation Hardware Data Analysis Software Verification and Validation Software Data Analysis Documents and Deliverables Design Transfer and Manufacturing Transfer to Manufacturing Hardware Manufacturing Software Manufacturing Configuration Management Documents and Deliverables Field Activity Analysis of Field Data Monitored Activity Appendices Index
- Lynn W. Phillips
- Robert D. Buzzell
This study uses a causal modelling methodology to examine competing methodological and theo- retical hypotheses concerning the effects of prod- uct quality on direct costs and business unit re- turn on investment (ROI). Results show that the PIMS' measures under study exhibit high reliabil- ity across all samples. The findings fail to support the widely held view that a high relative quality position is incompatible with achieving a low rel- ative cost position in an industry.
- Stephen Murgatroyd
This paper examines the use of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methods for the design, development, and delivery of courses and programs through distance education. QFD is a methodology for ensuring that the needs of students provide the design basis for activity in organizations and that the assessment of quality is constantly related to student needs.
Total quality management continues to spread in industry and commerce on a global basis. Despite the various levels of scepticism and doubt expressed on its potential to lead to competive benefits, TQM continues to reshape organizations at all levels. When one looks at providers of education and training, there is little evidence to suggest that there is a high degree of enthusiasm and positive response to the challenges that industry has to face. Analyses how education is responding to TQM implementation and highlights the various obstacles. Discusses the critical aspects of TQM implementation in education and the areas which need to be addressed for a complete and radical transformation of education and training provision capable of meeting modern business requirements. Finally, suggests a way forward for developing an integrated approach to total quality education (TQE) which will assist providers of education and training to become more competitive.
- Masoud A. Azhashemi
- Samuel K. Ho
Presents the Japanese initiative of total integrated management and identifies the multiple factors which can influence management quality and business performance in organisations. Explores the UK/European model for business excellence and the process of self-assessment that can be applied by organisations in all sectors to improve their business results and competitive superiority. Compares the main features of the Japanese and the European frameworks and notes their differences together with their benefits and possible downsides. Uses case examples to demonstrate the application and the implications of these initiatives to practising managers. Concludes that for organisations to be effective they should use the dynamics of the integrated business excellence tools and value the quality level of the management policies and strategies as key success factors
In order to formulate an effective strategic plan in a customer-driven education context, it is important to recognize who the customers are and what they want. Using Quality Function Deployment (QFD), this information can be translated into strategies to achieve customer satisfaction. Since the final strategic plan relies heavily on the way QFD is used, this paper will first describe the existing problems in its use and then propose a better way to improve it. In this paper, the customers are divided into two major parties, namely, the internal and the external customer. The internal customer comprises of the lecturers and the students, while the external customer is the employers of the graduates. After collecting the Voice of Customer (VOC), the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique was employed to generate the priorities of the VOC for each group of customers. Then, the results were used as the input for formulating strategies or Quality Characteristics (QCs) to meet the Demanded Qualities (DQs) using QFD. A simple case study is provided to demonstrate the usefulness of the methodology. A sensitivity analysis was also conducted to anticipate the changes in the DQs that will affect the output of the QFD. This is useful for providing a better strategic planning for the education institution to meet the future needs of its customers.
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